Friday, February 26, 2010

"where's the baby?"

I'm pretty sure Mason is watching too many movies. Actually he just watches the same ones over and over. His favs are High Shcool Musical 1, 2, and 3 , Ferngully, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Curious George, and of course Ice Age. When we are at home he loves to watch the Ice Age with the Dinosaurs and when we are in the car it is Ice Age (the first). So since they watch it ALL the time, I listen to it ALL THE TIME!!!! I pretty much have the movie memorized. And apparently so does Mason.

I was feeding Luella this morning and Mason came up to her and stood looking at her. He put his hands over his eyes and said "Where's the baby?" Then as he was pulling his hands away said "There she is!"

He did this a few times and I just thought it was the cutest thing ever. He saw this on Ice Age when Diego plays peekabo with the baby.

It's probably not the best thing for him to be watching a bunch of movies, but I guess it is his little coping thing. Whenever he gets in trouble or is tired he wants to watch a movie. Kinda his way to relax. And he honestly just sits through the entire thing.



pendant lighting said...

My little one love movies also!