Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I can't believe how fast December goes by. I thought I would get an update of at least the first half of the month. Mostly there are just so many cute pictures of my kids and family that I couldn't not put up.

I came in after putting the kids to bed and this is what I found.
I love watching my kids sleeping, cause they look so peaceful and it helps me
after a long day remember why and how much I love them.

Mason had his hand over his face and it just looked so cute.
And of course he is sleeping with all of his "stuff".

This is how Luella usually sleeps, on her stomach with her butt up in the air.
I just can't ever get enough of this girl!
After the huge snow storm we had at the beginning of December, on Sunday
Ben headed out to snow blow; and of course the kids wanted to go too.
The only main problem was that they didn't have boots and snow pants so they just
wore what they had. They were freezing when they came in, but they had so much fun.
And while Daddy and the kids were out, Lu and mommy sat in my bedroom and
watched from the window. Luella worked so hard to get high enough to see out the window.


December is one of the craziest months, actually it is the craziest month we
have, hands down. We celebrated our 7 year anniversary on the 13th. But seeing how that
fell on a Monday night, we decided to have a really long celebration.
The weekend before we got a sitter and Ben and I headed up to Park City to stay the night.
We had a quiet dinner (without kids), went to a movie and walked around. Then the next day we spent most of the day out shopping. It was so fun to just be out the 2 of us. That is something that doesn't happen too often it seems.

Then on Monday, our actual anniversary, we just hung out with our kids. Then that night my parents invited us over to decorate cookies and make ginger bread houses.

7 years has gone by so fast. Ben and I are both so different now than we were 7 years ago.
We have both grown in so many ways. We have owned 3 houses (and love the one that
we are in), have 3 incredible kids, have cried alot, laughed even more, and have learned so much about ourselves and each other. Ben is an amazing man, and I love him just as much now as I did 7 years ago!!! I wouldn't change any of it, and I can't wait for rest of our lives!!!!!
I love you Ben!

I babysat my cute niece Charly one morning, and she and Lu had fun hanging out. These 2 are only 6 weeks apart. I put on this cute sign language movie and the both of them just started dancing to the music.


That's right, I'm getting old and I can't wait.
I had a really great birthday this year. My sister in law Tiffany, who I just love so much took me out to lunch. We had a great lunch and a fun visit. This girl is always making sure that I have a special birthday. She is the best and I love her!

Then Taylor and Andi had all of us (my little family, my parents, and my siblings) over for a birthday dinner. It was so tasty and fun to all be together.They put so much work into the food and decorations, it was so sweet of them. I love my brother Taylor so much! We have a really special, close bond and I was just so glad to spend my birthday with him. It was fun to be all together at Taylor and Andi's place as a family.


Nicholas and Rebecca started this adult christmas party a few years ago, and it is always so much fun. This year, my little Samantha just would not stay with the babysitter so she got to tag along with us. We come and chat, have a really good pot luck dinner, and then we do a white elephant. The white elephant is always the high light of the night. People always bring the funniest things. Last year my dad brought a box of stuff that he just collected from around the house to get rid of. As it turns out, as someone was opening it, everyone else was noticing that it was there own personal stuff that was inside the box. One thing that was mine was a little mug with snails on the sides for handles that I had made when I was younger. That was the funniest gift ever. We had everyone there but Matt, Heather and Joe who we missed!


it's a BOY!!!!!!!

Seeing as how there are rumors going around I thought I would clear up the air. No I am not just letting myself go and eating everything in sight and gaining a ton of weight for fun. Yes I am pregnant, due May 18, 2011 . . . . and it's a boy. I'm 20 weeks so I thought it was about time to announce that we are adding another little baby to our family. Samantha, Mason and Lu (even though she hasn't said it, but I'm sure she is) are so excited. Samantha can't wait to have yet another baby to tote around and act like a little mother to. Mason is so excited to have 2 brothers in the family!!!! And Lu will probably just love that her 2 older siblings will have someone else to "love" (even though she loves every minute of it). Ben can't wait to have not 3 but 4 little ones to wrestle with in church (lol), and Whitney to have all these precious kids here.

We can't wait to meet you baby Chance!!!!!