Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Samantha is on a roll. And I might as well blog about it since this is my journal. These are the cute little things that I don't want to forget about.

We have Disney Channel on TV and they were talking about tooth fairies. Then Samantha asked me when the tooth fairy was going to come to our house. I told her the tooth fairy would come when she started loosing teeth.

Then she asked me when the Hair Fairy comes?

Well, I told her I didn't know. Honestly has anyone ever heard of a Hair Fairy? Then she proceeded to tell me that the Hair Fairy comes at night when we are asleep to check and see if our hair is clean.

Ok, now I remember. I think I told her that one a long time ago, probably so she would let me wash her hair while she was in the tub.

Then she asked when the Ear Fairy comes? I told her I had no idea, but she wouldn't take that answer. So I asked her if the Ear Fairy comes when we are asleep to check and see if our ears are clean? Yep, that is it!! It must have been another one of those little white lies to get her to let me wash behind her ears in the tub.

So I am really sorry for the rest of you who only have 1 fairy visiting your house. Here at our house we have multiple fairies visiting all the time. It is quite busy in the middle of the night when they are making the rounds in the kids bedrooms!!!!!

I just hope that when they realize they get money from the tooth fairy they won't expect money from all the other fairies that visit. Poor Ben and I will very surely be broke.

(Could you imagine if all the fairies came at once? I think this is what is
what it would look like. It would be one really crowded room!!!)