Wednesday, March 30, 2011


We started out March by celebrating Mason's 4th birthday. We basically had a whole weekend event. He wanted donuts and chocolate milk for his birthday breakfast. So Ben took him out and they grabbed a yummy assortment. We had a hard time deciding what to get this big little kid. We went back and forth between a Didj, DS, Leapster and an itouch. But I convinced Ben that the itouch was the way to go. We downloaded tons of fun games (which were mostly learning games), and he was so happy when we gave it to him. Ben went out riding so the kids and I hung out waiting for him to come home so we could go to lunch, get pictures and have a birthday dinner. (We actually ended up selling our van too, which made Ben and I super happy).

Mason has always held such a special spot in my heart. Ever since he was born he has been my little boy friend. He is sweet and thoughtful and I love him so much. 3 was a tricky age/year for us, mostly I think because of the new addition of a younger sister. But we made it to 4 and I'm hoping that 4 turns out to be awesome with him starting pre school and really starting to become a big kid. Mason is so big for his age, that he looks alot older than he already is. When we took him to the doctors a year ago they told us that he was the size of most kindergartner's, and this is when he was 3. So this year when we took him it was no surprise that he is 90 - 95 % for height and 90% for weight. He is already wearing 5T clothing so that it fits length wise in his pants and arms. The doctor said that at this rate of growing he will be 6 foot 3 inches (or somewhere around there). He will pass Ben up. Being the only boy inbetween 2 girls has made Mason know and learn to like playing with dolls, dressup and watching the "girly" movies. But he is so coordinated at the sporty things. He loves all of it. Mason and I have always had this little conversation while tucking him into bed, and it always melts my heart. He doesn't do it as much as he used to. But I would say "I love you" then he would repeat it, then I would say "I love you alot" and he would repeat, then I would say"I love you more" then he would repeat, then I would say "I love forever, and ever and always" then he would repeat it. Oh I loved it, then he would give me the cutest kiss. I am just so grateful for my little Mace. Even though he is a rowdy boy and gives me a run for my money, our family wouldn't be the same without him.
Happy Birthday Buddy!

Friday wasn't quite enough celebrating, especially since there was mostly dirt bike riding and selling the car. Don't get me wrong, we did have fun on his birthday, but it wasn't quite the birthday party that he wanted. So the next day we invited some family and friends and headed to Nickelmania. What could be better than a loud, long and crazy party of playing video games. It was a ton of fun. Such a boy party. It was the cutest thing ever, I gave Mason a spiderman backpack and after he had opened all his presents he stuffed as many as would fit into his back pack and walked around with it on his back around nickelmania. I just love him!
I was happy to throw Mason a party since this was probably the only friend party he has ever had so far. But on the way home we asked Mason how he liked the party and he said "I liked it but it was too long." Agreed! Tons of fun, but too long. (the too long part could have been because my mom and dad on accident drove off with my car keys, so we had to wait an extra 30 minutes or so to load up and go home).
I just loved seeing Mason so happy with friends and family, opening presents, eating cake and ice cream and playing games (mostly with dad). It was so well worth it!


We celebrated St Patty's day a day early with Aunt Rebekah and Grandma B. We made cookies or rather Rebekah made cookies and we frosted them with green frosting and fun sprinkles. I tell you, we have so much fun with our aunts and grandma.

Just a little random picture of our little Lu Bear. We just can't get enough of her, and check out that hair.

We were at Grandma B's and Sam and Mason decided to race around her sidewalk pushing strollers. Sam actually put Lu in the stroller for a couple of rounds.

Hilary and Sam took Lu for one last walk around the block before we drove home.


So we were going to have a family weekend down in St George, then we decided that we could get a lot done in our yard instead of going. Then Ben decided that he could get a lot done without me and the kids there. So we headed down to sunny St George, or so we thought. It was supposed to be a sunny, warm weekend but it ended up being pretty rainy. The kids still had fun playing outside, and doing some fun crafts inside. There was 1 major problem . . . . the sleeping issue. I wasn't getting any sleep. My kids were waking up and both nights it ended up with me in a bed with a bunch of kids. Joanne and Tif and Marse and the guys were a ton of help with my kids. Lu was always with someone either Poppy, Honey, Tif, Marse, or Coby. I spent most of the time with Mason and Samantha but mostly Mason. He didn't want me to leave his side, ever.

We celebrated Honey's birthday while we were down there. We love our Honey so much. She is always so excited to see the kids, and they can't ever get enough of her. When she is near, that is who they want. The girls headed out shopping for a few hours ( Poppy and Coby and Lance were so nice to watch my kids while I was gone), then we came home and I packed up my car and started on my drive home.

It was a fun weekend, but so much dang work. I'm glad it gave Ben a chance to get tons done in the yard, but being about 8 months pregnant and with 3 kids to take care of, it is a huge task. I was ready to come home and have Ben there and sleep in my own bed!

As usual, Luella woke up and wanted to come into bed with Ben, but Ben had to leave early for work. So some how he snuck out of the bed and left this cute monkey sleeping on his pillow. I hated to wake her, but I didn't want to chance leaving her and having her fall off the bed.
I've started drying and round brushing Lu's hair. It makes her look so dang cute, but so grown up and different. She takes her hands and sweeps her bangs out of her face, I absolutely love it.

March must be the month of birthday's. This week it was my mom's birthday. I had my family over for dinner to celebrate. My mom means the world to me. Next to Ben she is my best friend. I can always go to her for advice, and anything. I love the gentle way that she interacts with and handles my kids. She is so special to me and I'm so lucky to have her in my life. She did a great job raising me and teaching me and I hope that I can do the same for my kids and family and be as good a mom and wife as she is. Happy Birthday Mom I love you!!!!