Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sick kids are seriously no fun. Last week we were in major survival mode. Mason wasn't sleeping at night, at all. He was waking up multiple times in the night, and just not happy. I finally took him to the doctors and come to find out he had an ear infection. So we got the antibiotics and he is doing so much better. In fact, (knock on wood) he has slept all the way through the night for the last 3 nights. That is huge here since it has honestly been months since he has done that!!! Yay for us. And our poor little Lu, has been a bit sick. It is so sad to see such a little baby unhappy and not be able to tell us what is wrong. She was coughing a bit, and a little congested but then her breathing sounded a little bit off. I then took her to the doctors and she was at the tail end of a mild case of RSV. Sounds scary but she is a champ. She did have a little infection in her eye that they wanted to give her some antibiotics for and she would not take that pink stuff. So we ruined a perfectly cute and white nighty trying to give it to her, so I had to figure something else out. I started putting the medicine in the tip of one of the nipples to her bottles and then she can just suck it down. Worked like a charm. It is amazing the difference it makes when your baby is sleeping all the way through the night, and then she has some off nights of waking up alot. After the fever was down and she was a bit more comfortable with some Tylenol she was sleeping like her normal self. Thank goodness cause I decided that I really like my sleep, and need it for that matter. I took this cute little picture when she was just not feeling her best. I love it when my kids will just lay and sleep however and whenever when they are sick.

(don't you just love those leopard print socks!!! and that is the cute
little nighty that now has a big pink stain in it, how sad.)
I have decided that doctors make their money through co-pays. I went to the doctors at least 3 times in the last month. All nonscheduled appointments. And don't get me wrong, I am the kind of mom that is better safe than sorry. So I take them and sometimes there is absolutely nothing wrong and sometimes there are those cases that there is something wrong, and something to be done about it. Plus that fact that I just love my pediatrician!!! He is great and I totally trust him. I never really question why, I just do exactly what he says.
And even though I have been in the last 2 week for both Lu and Mason, we are going in another 2 week for their scheduled checkups. Maybe next time my kids get sick they can all get sick together so we can make 1 trip to the doctors and be done with it.
But there is no greater feeling than having your kids healthy and happy. My mom always tells me that a mom is just as happy as her least unhappy child, and that is something that I totally believe.