Saturday, February 13, 2010

This little boy is outside whether it is cold or not, rainy or shine. Nothing keeps him away from his basketballs and his hoop. He just gets on his shoes and socks and his gloves and heads out.
I think he could stay out there all day if I didn't ask him to come in.

Who says your 4 year old can't take your dog on a walk? That is a walk in your own back yard, on a leash that is attached to a bike, and the bike is being ridden on the deck.
Yep, that is one of Samantha's usuals. She puts Molly on a leash and even walks her around the house. She will park her outside the bathroom while she goes potty (when I say park, she attaches her leash to a door handle). Today Molly was lucky cause she got to go on her walk outside. Sam just rode back and forth, back and forth, back and forth and Molly just ran along side her.

Luella had some firsts this week. She has been getting so hungry in between feeding so I thought I'd try giving her some baby food. Well I don't think she liked her peas that much.

I put her in the jonny jumper while I got ready one morning. She liked it ok, but then she realized that she was staying in there and it wasn't that much fun anymore.
And when Sam and Mason came in and were swinging her back and forth, she didn't look so sure.

Then instead of giving her peas, I thought I'd try rice cereal with some sugar in it. She ate some of it, but it definately wasn't the bottle, and she let me know that.

I met my sister Rebekah during her lunch break and went walking. It was such a beautiful day, Luella was probably wondering why I bundled her up like the abominable snowman, but she looked so dang cute. And it was so bright that when Mace saw Bekah and Mom with our sunglasses, he had to have his.

Saturday we went to the boat show with Coby and Tif and Joanne. The kids had a blast getting into all the boats, and Tif and I had fun walking around with our little ones in our Mobys. I just love my moby, it is so comfortable.

Even though Lu doesn't look so happy, she didn't make one peep the whole time she was in there.
She would smile but her cheeks are just too big. Actually her cheeks are one of my favorite things about that little girl. She is just growing so fast, I can hardly believe it.

Here are the boys and the older kids. Don't they just look so happy to be on the boat. They would be even happier if the boat was on water, and actually if the boat was ours. Summer will be here before we know it and then we can be at bear lake all we want!!!!!