Saturday, January 30, 2010


I've seen a bunch of people recapping the last decade and thought it would be fun to try. Even though I migh not remember what was going on that year. So here we go . . . .


I was in high schol. I thought school was great cause there were soooo many cute boys. I guess you could say I was a bit boy crazy. My friend Heidi and I (my best friend) had a blast. We played, hung out, sluffed school, and played some more.


Well, still in high school. I do remember that my sister Jessica came and hung out with Heidi and me alot.


This is where I really remember, I graduated from High School!!!!! I had fun in high school but was so glad to be out. My friend Heidi and I decided to apply to BYU Hawaii and go to school together. Well as it turned out, she got in and I didn't. So she was off to Hawaii and I was off to hair school. Which was fine for me cause that was my original plan. My mom wanted me to go to the community college for a year, but the stuborn girl I was (maybe still am) decided to do it my way. Hair school was fun, but alot of work. I was dating boys, going to school and having a blast.


I will just start at the best part of 2003. February 7th 2003 . . . . I went out on a blind date (which I was going to cancel cause I wasn't feeling to great. But by the way, Heidi in Hawaii and another friend told me I should go, cause something great may come out of it) so, I went out on a blind date with someone I don't even remember his name. He was shorter than me and that is kinda a deal breaker. But anyways, he took me to a single adult dance. Fun right?! Well, I was less than impressed with him, I don't even remember his name. But while there, I was in the hall talking to some friends and I remember seeing this guy walking down the hall and thinking to myself "I have got to meet him!" Then as he got closer, he stopped and introduced himself and started chatting with me. Well, it was Ben, and we hung out at this dance the rest of the night. My date dropped me off, and Ben came and picked me up (the same night) I do have to say that Ben didn't even know I was on a date. He got my number and said he would come and get a haircut at the school. I didn't really think he would come, but the next week, they told me that a Ben was coming in. Awesome, he came in and asked me out for Valentine's day. So our first real date was Feb 14th 2003. And after that I was smitten, (you'll have to ask Ben for his side of the story) and we dated, and dated, and dated until September 11, 2003 he proposed. he suggested that we get married in January and I suggested November. So we met in the middle and got married in December. December 13, 2003.

It was the greatest day ever. It was awesome weather and I was just so happy to be marrying my best friend. Even though I'm sure we didn't know every single thing about eachother, we knew that we loved eachother. We got married and spent a great honeymoon in Cancun Mexico where I celebrated my 20th birthday!!!


Ben and I were loving being married. We lived in a small studio apartment (in Mootzies basement), but we made it ours and we loved it. I took an awesome trip with my 4 sisters and mom. My awesome mom might I add. What mom takes her 5 girls to Europe for 2 weeks?! It was such a blast, but I really missed Ben. That was the first time I was away from him. But the trip was amazing. My sisters, my mom and I bonded and had such a great time. I just love my sisters and mom. In the fall we moved out of Mootzies basement and found a great townhome. We both fell in love with it and were happy to make it our new home! In November 2004 Ben and I decided it was time to start our little family. So we got pregnant. Let the journey begin . . . .


I was pregnant for the first 1/2 of he year. And a good hot portion of the year might I add. I worked with my sister Jessica at an Elementary School, which was a total blast might I add. We were in our new townhome, and getting excited to welcome our new little girl into our family. (I have to say that Ben is such a good sport. He didn't even come with me to find out the gender. I was at the mall with my sister Hilary, we were passing one of those fetal photo shops and just decided to go in and find out. Then I took a little gift to Ben at work. It was a pink bib, with the pictures telling him we were having a girl) We painted our nursery and just got totally ready. Which was a good thing because a week after Ben and I got home from visiting Coby and Tif in Michigan in March I had to have a circlage. And then it was bed rest for me for the rest of the pregnancy. It probably should have been more strict but I am a mover and a shaker, so I did the best I could. That summer we spent alot of time up at the cabin, and just really took it easy. On July 27, 2005 we welcomed Samantha into our family. She was such a tiny little baby, and so sweet. Even though she had a rough start (like ending up at Primary Children's a couple days after she was born. She was really really dehydrated and jaundice, not a good combination) she handled it great. I was just so thrilled to be a mom. I loved every litlle second with my little buddy. We spent coutless hours at my mom's house, just hanging out. We would sit and chat and follow her around the house while she did her daily things. Life with one is so simple, it's crazy to look back and think about it. Sam was such a fun addition. That was the major highlight of 2005. Becoming parents and having Samantha!!!


May of 2006 Ben and I decided to make a move out to Lehi. We sold our cute little townhome and made the trek out around the mountain. We thought it would be a great change, and it was. We found an awesome house, and just loved it. Around the time we celebrated Samantha's 1st Birthday was about the time that I got pregnant with my little man. Ben was still going to school and working at Wells Fargo. He was so great to do all of it and never complain.


March 11,2007 The third greatest day, (1st the day I married Ben, 2nd the day we had Sam) Mason was born. I have to admit that I was a bit sad when I found out I was having a boy. I for sure thought that I was having a girl, and that Sam would have a little buddy. But let me tell you, Mason was my little boyfriend from the time he was born. It was a tricky time when he was born. Ben got a new job working full time, was going to school at night, and had to pick up another job that he had to work through the night several nights a week (so that we had insurance) Looking back that was one of the hardest times ever!!! I had just moved in to an area that I didn't really know a ton of people. Luckily my brother Taylor was living close, and we have always been close. I could call on him day or night. My other saint was my mom. I would go and hang out at her house during the day, and then when it was time for me to make the trek around the mountain, I would cry the whole way home; sometimes while I was still talking to my mom. But my mom always insured me that everything would work out and be fine. The person I have to give props to is Ben. Once again, he never once complained. He was the one working 2 jobs and going to school and never sleeping. He is quite the amazing man. I was so grateful when he was able to quit the night job and be home with me. Though I really had to grow up in the months that he was gone through the night. It made me depend more on the spirit and the savior. There were many nights where I didn't feel like I was enough, taking care of these 2 little people and feeling like I was doing it on my own. But there were many times that I felt the spirit and knew that I was being blessed. It was a hard time, but definately a growing time for me.

Also in 2007 we decided to sell our house in Lehi and make a move in with Ben's parents.In November Ben graduated from the UofU which was awesome, I was so proud. To celebrate we took a trip to Hawaii. It was just the 2 of us for 1 whole week. We left the kids with family, so we knew they were in good hands. Ben also decided to make the move back to Wells Fargo. We spent Christmas 2007 with Honey and Poppy, thanks for having us. My main goal was to be in a house by Mason's 1st birthday.


We looked and found a great house. We bought it and closed on it before March 11th. That was the deadline that I wanted to be in for. We went on an awesome adult trip with Ben's family. A mexican cruise, it was a blast. But the thing that sticks out the most for this year was the really sad and tragic accident of our little nephew Jack. Jack and Mason would be about the same age, and I was even thinking about it tonight. They would have been such great buddies. Jack passed away in September, and that is a day I will never forget. It was a horrible thing for me to have to watch people I love so dearly suffering. It affected everyone and we still think about and love and miss Jack. (when we pass the cemetery where he is burried, my kids without fail every time, will say hello to him. It is like clockwork, we drive past and both Sam and Mason start saying Hello)


Right off the bat Samantha started preschool at someone's house in our neighborhood. She just loved it. We started her later in the year, but better late than never. Mason is walking and talking and just so dang cute. I love my two little kids (even though for the most part they want nothing to do with me, they just want their dad) Ben and I thought that it might be time to add a 3rd to our orderly chaos, but when in January when the pregnancy didn't quite feel right, I wasn't surprised when I miscarried. I was about 10 weeks along, but i figured that was a sign for Ben and I that we weren't quite ready for #3. Well, nope not a sign. I got pregnant in February of 2009, which was a shock, but a good shock. So #3 ready or not here you come. We decided not to find out what we were having. It was fun since we already have one of each, it didn't really matter. It was either going to be a Luella or Teagon. So the time passed and Samantha and Mason were getting really excited. They were asking all sorts of fun questions about the new baby. Samantha started her 2nd year of preschool, still loves every second, and Mason wonders why he doesn't get to go with her to preschool. It is so sad to drop her off and have him sad and sometimes crying in the car. On November 2, 2009 (a day before Ben's birthday) we welcomed a very cute and little Luella girl to our family. The kids didn't get to come to the hospital to see her, so I remember when I came home and they got to see her. Sam was at school so Mason got to sit and hold her forever, which he loved to do. And when Samantha saw her, she thought she was the cutest little thing, and she has been my big helper. 3 is crazy but I wouldn't have it any other way. Even though I feel like I have a huge task at hand, especially when Ben is such a hard worker and gone alot. I just need to make sure that I am the best mom that I can be to these sweet little things that I have on loan. Love them, teach them, and guide them to where they need to be. Our home isn't always heaven on earth, but we are working on it.


Well, my decade was alot of changes. In one decade I went from being in high school, to marrying the man of my dreams, to having my 3rd beautiful baby, celebrating my 6th wedding anniversary, and alot in between. This past decade has been a blast, and I feel like I have learned and grown a ton. I am so excited for what is to come.

Looking back was a great thing for me to do, it made me see where I was and how far I have come. I feel like I have grown a ton. I have matured as a person, as a couple, as a mother, and I am still and will always constantly be growing and progressing spiritually. I have been so blessed in the last 10 years, I hope that I continue to work hard and stay worthy for the blessing that may be in store for me in the future. I will do my part and that is about all I can do.



the Eggett's said...

Whitney! I am loving all of these blog posts! What a great blogger you have become. It was fun to read about your last ten years, I love your positive outlook! You are an amazing mom and wife! I hope all is well! :)

Tyson and Marie said...

Hey Whitney! It is so fun to read all of that!'s amazing how much can happen in 10 years! We missed seeing you at the last GNO but hopefully we will see you next week!