Monday, January 18, 2010


(this was the cutest thing ever when I came up and saw
her binki totally being shoved up her nose. Apparently
it didn't bother her though, she just kept on sleeping.)

So I noticed the other day that I have a bunch of pictures of Luella in the swing. It must look like I keep her in there all day, but really I don't. Or do I? She is just such a good baby that usually she is sleeping in her bed, but on the off chance that she won't nap, or I just need to put her down for a second the swing is the easiest place. Who wouldn't want to sit in a swing and be rocked to sleep and usually listen to lullaby music. (that is Mason's new thing, to turn on the music on the swing)

If she weren't such a great baby, maybe I wouldn't use my swing as much. I would probably have a baby attached to my hip. But as it is she will let me put her down and pay attention to my other incredibly active kids. Now night time, that is another story. Lu wants to be held most of the evening. But that's ok since the kids are in bed and I can just sit and hold and enjoy her. That is something that you can't do as easily with more kids. You have so much to do that alot of the time, you can't just sit and stare at your baby (like I did with Sam, all day long, I loved it) So thank goodness for our swing! And thank goodness that she will sit/sleep in there like the little angel she is.


Katy said...

She is so cute! I love my swing too. I think Savannah lived in it. Although I would have just loved to hold her all is hard with two other kids.

Melanie Bingham said...

She is getting so big and sooo cute