Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Lu's 2 month check up

Luella and I headed to the doctors today. She is growing like a cute little weed healthy and strong. She weighs 11 pounds and is 22 inches long. (right before the doctor came in I sat and held her, and she was totally grinning and giving me goo goo eyes. I just loved it, I almost wanted to cry) The doctor was so impressed because when he came in to see her she looked right at him and just stared while he talked. He said she looks great and he sent the nurse in to give her shots. Well after she got her shots, we had a little scare. Of course Luella was totally fine right before she got the shots, and right when the nurse put the first needle in her leg; she immediately freaked out. She turned the darkest shade of red I have ever seen. I've never seen her cry so bad. After the third shot (it was pretty quick, you should really see this nurse give shots, it's amazing) the nusre felt bad for making her cry and left the room. I picked up my sweet baby and was trying to comfort her, and I noticed that she wasn't crying anymore. So I pulled her away from my shoulder so I could look at her, and she didn't quite look right. She had a wicked grip on my hair and she was reddish purple and didn't look like she was breathing. I ran to the door and just yelled for the nurse and said she isn't breathing. The nurse took her straight to the doctor, but right when the nurse got her she started rubing her back and she started breathing. They said it was a breath holding spell. Instead of crying and breathing in and out, she just kept bearing down and wasn't taking any air in. Holy Cow it scared me so much. They handed her back to me and she was so white and fast asleep. The nurse said that just took everything out of her. They also told me that since it happened once, it could quite possibly happen again. Great, so I have to keep a look out for if she gets too hysterical while she is crying or anything like that. I'm just grateful that she is ok.

She is at such a fun stage where she's starting to interact with us through her eyes and smiling at us. She sleeps all the way through the night. She has found her hands and likes to suck on them and then smear the spit all over her face. She loves her swing and will sit in or sleep in it, which is a big help to me sometimes. She is a binki girl, which I love. She is just such a calm, happy and peaceful baby for the most part. We are just loving having her in our little family. Sam and Mason adore her just as much as her mom and dad.

(I just thought I would add that if our dog Molly hears Lu crying, she will go and stand by her door or go into her room; maybe just to let me know just incase I didn't already know she was crying. She is a cute dog, and she is great with our kids)


emily said...

Whitney, that's so scary! Stefani used to pass out when she cried really hard when she was little. It was so scary. Lasted until she was two or three. I'm glad your baby girl is ok!