Saturday, January 16, 2010

Saturday Night Date Night

Saturday Night is such a great date night. It is even better when you have one having a slumber party at her aunts house and the other two are with another trusty aunt. (thanks to Rebekah and Hilary . . . you are the best!) So we headed to dinner at Hoppers with Ben's cousin Jason and Heather. After dinner we couldn't really decide on a movie we both wanted to go see, so we compromised. I went to a movie with my 2 sisters Jessica and Hilary. We went and saw "Leap Year" It was a way cute movie. I just love the feel good, make you smile movies. I got home and Ben took off to go drive his rc car. If you don't know what an rc car is then you are not married to my hubby Ben. Remote Control Cars. Saturday nights are the official rc car racing nights. There is this hobby shop in Sandy that Ben found and the owners set up this track and sit out, in the cold, and race their cars. Hours and hours and they don't get tired. Ben even has 5 batteries that he charges to take with him, so he can race til his heart is content; or at least til the batteries are out. (just so you know I am constantly hearing beeping at my house. If you can imagine 5 batteries, that is alot of charging and beeping going off)

So, I sit here watching the food network channel and Ben is out racing. He just loves it and since he loves it so much, I love it that he gets to go out and play. So, Ben let me have my girl time and he is off having his guy time. I love having things to do as a couple, but I love that we each have our own things that we like. It is a pretty good deal for a date night.