Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Live and learn and learn and learn

Ben might not be happy that I am sharing this, but seriously, it has to be shared. For Christmas my dad gave us a spare key to our house and the tahoe in my stocking. The reason being that my dad bailed us out in December and decided that we needed spare keys. Those keys are still hanging in our house. Not very useful if they are in the house and not like under the car or something. So anyways, back to my original thought. I talked to Ben on his lunch break today, and at the end of our conversation he was heading into work from his car. I then got a phone call soon after that and he told me that he had locked the keys in his car. Well my dad was a lifesaver (like normal) and went to my house, got a spare key and drove it all the way out to Ben's work. Great, The End!

Not really, you'd think that he would have learned, but I guess not. Ben got home from work and ran a quick errand to pick up some chairs for my salon. I was in the basement and my cell phone and home phone kept ringing. After the 4th time ringing I thought I'd better get it. Well it was Ben and he had locked his keys in his car again. Yes for the second time today. Lucky for him this guy was so nice and drove him to our house, waited for him to get his spare key and then drove him back to his car. When Ben got home all he said was he didn't want to talk about it. Well, I think maybe after this he will have learned his lesson and get those spare keys somewhere where we can use them when needed. I just had to smile though, it was one of those things that probably wasn't that funny at the time, but it will be funny later when he thinks about it.

I guess the lesson is to get those spare keys ready to be used. And when I say ready that doesn't mean made and hung back in your kitchen with all of the other keys. That will do you no good when you lock your keys in your car and you aren't in your driveway!


Anna-Lisa said...

You know - my dad kept doing that one year too and he always had to call me to come get him. We got him a magnetized key box for under the car....he never used it but it was enough that he doesn't lock the keys in the car anymore!