Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Day From ______!!!

So you know when you have one of those horrible days. Right when you get up, you just know that it is going to be a doozy. Well, that is how yesterday was. I woke up and wasn't the happiest mom, then my kids were wining and crying (which is normal, but sometimes enough is enough). Joanne was so sweet to come over and play with the kids for a minute before Sam went to school. After that I thought the day was on an upward climb. I picked up my mom and we went out and ran an errand together with just Mason and Lu. It was great. We made it back to pick up Sam from school and went on our way to take my mom back home. Well, I drive Wasatch Blvd everyday, sometimes multiple times a day. (i'd like to add that on the way to my house we saw a cop pulling someone over) Well, as I'm driving along, going about 40, a cop pulls out of a church parking lot and I'll leave out the details of my asking for a warning, going to his car to see the radar gun, even being so frustrated that I cry a little and just signing the paper to get him out of my face.
How unfair to add a speeding ticket to an already stressful day. It's like adding salt to an already open wound. And how sad to have to tell Ben when this is about my 4th speeding ticket in the last 2 years, and 3rd on Wasatch I might add. So I relaxed at my moms for a bit before heading back home. We pull into the garage and I get out and grab the baby, and right when I open the door for the kids to get out, Mason falls head first out of the car onto the cement floor. Seriously, are you kidding me. Could this day get any better. Just wait it can. So Mason gets this awesome goose bump right on his forehead, but is ok once Dad gets home. To end my day I went out shopping for a minute and found all these way cute shirts and they were even on sale. I probably tried on about 10 or so shirst. What to my luck only one fit. The others looked like I was a rather large girl trying to squeeze into something that belonged to a tiny person. Doesn't that just make you feel great!!! Well, I guess I just need to work a little bit harder and be a bit more dedicated.
I was just glad to lay my head down on my pillow and say goodbye to yesterday and hello to today!
(oh yea, so I guess I'm the kind of person that lets a swear word come out every once in a while when I am stressed. Imagine 3 kids and always being stressed. Samantha went into the bathroom last night while getting ready for bed and was saying a bunch of words and aparently said the sh word. Isn't that just a great mom's example. I guess I have more things to work on than I thought)


Melanie Bingham said...

oyi! I'm sorry. That' when I quote to myself the story of Alexander and the terrible horrible no good very bad day.