Tuesday, March 30, 2010


We started off the trip with a great healthy cobb salad. I was just so proud of how pretty it looked I had to take a picture of my hard work. It was so tasty!!!!


We celebrated Honey's birthday down there. We went swimming at a local indoor pool. Not quite sure if it was what she wanted to do for her birthday, but it was lots of fun.

Here is the whole gang (minus my hurt husband, Lu and Duncan)

There was this awesome slide. You really got going fast. This is what Mason wanted to do the WHOLE time. He just loved it. The second he got off, he wanted to head back up again.

We all took turns taking him.

Right before we were leaving I talked/bribed Samantha into going on the slide. She liked it so much that she went about 5 times aftre that. She couldn'g get enough.

As you can tell, Mason was loving every second of being at the pool. When it was time to go, Jim and Ben actually both had escort him out to change his clothes. He is such a wild man, just no fear and loves to try everything and loves everything he tries.

Some people think I'm no fun (you know who you are!) Well, look I'm in a swimsuit, my hair is wet, I'm horsing around with my kids, I went on the slide probably 20 times. If that isn't fun, I don't know what is?!

Since Ben has been out of comition to play with the kids, it has given me a chance to really play with the kids. I never really realized how much Ben really played with the kids, and how tiring it can be. Well, it is tiring and fun all at once. The kids have had to depend on me, and I have had the chance to form a little bit of a different bond with the kids. It also gives me a chance to show Ben and my kikds that I really am fun.

It was such a beautiful day so we took our lunch and headed to the park. Sam and Mason just ran and played and had so much fun. Mason found a little friend, who he liked to call "my new friend". It was really cute to watch him play. He doesn't have many kids his age that he plays with, so it is always interesting to watch him play with other kids his age.
I just adore this little girl. Little Lu had her very 1st swing ride.

Sam was loving the slide, seriously can't you tell from that smile.
And look at this face . . . . That is another smile that I just can't get enough of.
I just love that these 2 cute kids have eachother. Love em!!!!

Look at my cute little family. I just love them so much!!!!

It was such a fun little family weekend. Of course there were some upsets with the kids, but there were way more fun times that outweighed the upsets. I loved that we jsut hung out the whole time, all together. That hasn't happened in a while, it was nice. Like I said, I just love em!!!!!