Thursday, March 4, 2010

I am not a perfect mom by any means. I do my fair share of screaming, threatening the kids with privileges, and even the occasional bum swat. (nothing too hard, just something to get their attention).

Tonight I was in the bathroom getting ready for bed and I could hear the neighbor outside calling to her dog to come inside. (if I can hear her perfectly then I wonder if everyone can hear me while I am in my house?!) So anyways, the 1st couple times she said his name she was just calling, then she shouted, and then she really started to scream.

Oh my goodness, if that is at all what I sound like when I scream at my kids then I should never do that again. It was the ugliest sound ever to come out of a girls mouth. My new goal is going to be to have a sweeter tone in my house and with my kids, all the time.

It really will make the biggest difference. And maybe if I don't scream as much then the kids in return won't scream as much. You know . . . monkey see monkey do!!!

On a different note I just have to say how hard it is to do anything without money, credit and debit cards, and any ID. I went out today with my friend Brittney to get a new drivers lisence and to get my window fixed. It was so sad as we were driving down the freeway, Brittney was totally getting blown away and Samantha kept on complaining how cold she was. Luckily we got it fixed just before the storm rolled in.

At least I got some kind of a break today. As I was being helped at the DMV the man said that I needed to take the written test. BOOO!!! I asked why and he said since I have had 4 citations in the past 2 years. Well, the man could have just made me take the test and made me even more mad about the whole thing, but instead he just joked about me being a speed demon, and told me that since they were little tickets he wasn't going to make me take the test. Wasn't that just so nice of him. I would have been really upset if I had to, and you never know if I would have passed or not.

I know this is so random, but I just have to say that Ben is so good. I have been so mad about losing my cute purse and wallet. Not to mention all the cash and cash like things inside the wallet. He hasn't really gotten mad or anything. He just kinda keeps it together and tells me that there isn't anything we can do. Not only does he not freak out and obsess about things, like me, but he doesn't get bothered by the $ issue. He just tells me to find a new purse and look for that new perfect wallet. I should be more like Ben and just forget about things and move on. I guess he is the calm one and I am the opposite. ( whatever that may be, I just don't want to put a label on it) I'm not saying that he is always calm and I am always the one to freak out. I do have my share of calm moments, but Ben just doesn't let things bother him. Very even steven. It is such a great quality to have. Don't you see why I married this man? He has great qualities.