Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Catch Up

Pumpkin Carving

My sister Jessica and her husband Spencer had us all over to carve pumpkins at their house, and it was so fun.
As you can see that is quite the task with all of us. It was a blast, always so much fun to get together. Thanks Spencer and J!!!
Gardner Village
We went to Gardner Village to see the Witches, and Samantha and Mason loved it.
They love seeing their "Honey".

It was such a great day. Thanks to Camille for setting it up.
Happy Halloween!!!
We had such a fun Halloween. My sister Jessica was over and helped me get my kids all dressed up and then we went and saw Ben at work, then went and saw Grandma B. and Grandpa and Aunt Rebekah, then we headed home for some trick or treating around our neighborhood, and around Joanne's neighborhood. Let me tell you those little kids got so much candy, we ended up giving some of it away. What they don't know won't hurt them. But it was so much fun.
It was a busy day, but tons of fun. It was so cute to see Sammi and Mason trick or treating. Samantha was so excited to get more candy after every house we went to. And Mason was just holding our hand, walking along and holding his bucket of candy. It was so cute!

Tif was Tinker Bell and I was a pirate This was just way too cute, I took it from Tif's blog. Sam was a witch and Corbin was Peter Pan. Although, Sam kept saying she was Wendy dressed up as a witch.
They do this every time they see eachother.

And here was our little family. One witch and the rest pirates. Ben and Mason were even wearing the earings. Oh, Mason looked so dang cute.
Sammi loved wearing her dress, but not the hat. (I was lucky she wore it for the picture) But I kept asking her what makes a witch? And she would say "a hat makes a witch!"
It was such a great Halloween, and Samantha is already talking about next year, she wants to be a little witch and wants me to be Mary Poppins. That is ok with me because Mary Poppins is a step up from her wanting me to be a LARGE BANANA.
I hope everyone had a great weekend and a Happy Halloween!


Posh Ideas said...

Great pictures Whit! You guys make fabulous pirates!

Tiffany said...

SO cute! I loved every second of it! We had a ball! Sammi and Corbin are so funny though. I love that they always hug each other when they first see one another!

Anonymous said...

Loved hanging out at Gardner Village - can't wait to do it again. I love the pirate outfits and you and Tiff look darling.

Jessika said...

A LARGE BANANA! I just spit all over my computer laughing so hard when I read that! Hilarious! I love the things kids come up with sometimes. I'm loving all these updates. We miss you guys and it's fun to catch up, if only by reading what you're up to!