Thursday, November 6, 2008

I'm Thankful For . . . .

Well, today is a random thankful thought. But I am thankful for FORGIVENESS, in its simplest form. I am so thankful for the kind hearts of children (my kids to be exact), that will forgive easily and forget quickly. I am not perfect and can't always keep my cool like I should, and unfortunately my kids are always in the line of fire. Samantha and I had a bit of a rough first half of the day, and we weren't our best to eachother. But I am so thankful that she is so willing to forgive me of my faults, and lets me know that she still loves me. It is a humbling experience to ask forgiveness of your 3 year old daughter, but well worth it. I am constantly learning so much from my sweet little ones, and I love it. We should all become more childlike in that sense. Quick to forgive and forget. I am grateful for the atonement and the chance I have to always work and improve on my faults.


Melanie Bingham said...

Amen to that sister!

Lanae said...

That's a great thought to share. Tonight Jared and I had to get after Jordan for acting up and he got his feelings hurt, and almost instantly wanted to be friends again. He'll say "mommy, you happy now?" and no matter what havoc he's causes my heart just melts and I just want to squeeze that little boy.
I love how pure they are and how quick they are to want forgive and be friends.. they do teach us so much!!