Friday, October 29, 2010


This is no fun, seriously. Guess what is even more not fun about it? . . . . . Luella screaming, crying and crawling into the bathroom wanting you to hold her. . . . . Me yelling to have Samantha come and rescue Luella and carry her into her room (it is so nice that she is old enough to help out with my little Lu) . . . . . Mason coming into the bathroom asking "Mom what are you doing? Mom what is wrong?" . . . . . and seriously while puking realizing how dirty my toilet really was, wishing that I had cleaned it earlier that day, and no joke reaching over and grabbing tome toilet paper to wipe it down just a little bit in between puking. I can laugh about it now, but at the time, it was so not fun. Then I realized that I still had 3 little munchkins that needed me to get them into jams, get them dinner and hang out with them for another couple hours until Ben got home.

I felt bad because there was a Halloween party that I was going to take my kids to, but luckily I didn't tell them about it, and if I did, they didn't remember about it. So after the kids ate their eggs and toast, that they really didn't eat anyways. We all went into my bedroom with pillows and blankets and made some little make shift beds. They watched a movie and Luella and I played on the bed. But then gratefully it was bed time, so off to bed for Lu! And she just went right to sleep, thankfully. Ben finally got home and the kids left and I fell right to sleep. Ben was so great to get them into bed. Then I'm sure he loved his quiet time with no one to bother him. But seriously no fun! There isn't anything fun about feeling sick. But I think my kids felt bad for me (they saw me crying and asked why), so they were really good. Bless their little hearts!!! But what good over 10 hours of sleep does, staying in jams (until I absolutley have to change to take Sam to a party) and watching movies! Pajama day!!!!


Tiffany said...

Oh Whitters....NO FUN AT ALL! I've often noticed just how surface clean my house is when I'm sick....and have to get down for a close up look! :( No fun! Sorry you were feeling yucky and alone! Wish I lived closer to give you an extra hand.