Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I am always coming into new realities in life. Some are good and some are not so fun, just bearable. Ben switched branches and now he is in an instore branch. So where he was leaving for work around 7:45 or 8 and getting home around 6:45 or so it was ok. We would wait to eat dinner with him, and then we would start to put the kids to bed together, you know jams, brushing teeth, prayers, stories all that stuff. Then we had some time to hang out before we both wanted to crash for the night. Well, at his new branch he leaves around 8:30 and gets home around 7:45. So do I hold my kids off til 8 to eat dinner? NOPE! So my new reality is cooking dinner and eating just me and the kids. Then I get them in the tub (most nights), get in jams, brush teeth, say a family prayer, and tell stories. I try to have at least Luella in bed but also Mason. Samantha is old enough where she wants to stay up and wait to see Daddy. Then by the time Ben gets home, I am so dang tired. I finish cleaning up the kitchen, and tidy up all the loose ends and I am ready to get in my jammies and watch a little tv before hitting the pillow. This makes for such a long day. This is my new reality, just barely bearbale. But I guess since Ben doesn't complain, neither can I. But it is such a hard thing to think of things to do with 3 little kids from 8 am til 8 pm. Hello, especially since it snowed! Why has winter come so early?!

Yesterday Samantha went to a neighbors house right after school to play. She was still there when I had dinner almost ready by 5:30. But she and her friend weren't ready to be done playing. So we had Hannah come over for dinner. Why not, it's just me and the kids. (and Grandpa last night, he stopped in to help in the yard and I'm glad he had a little dinner before hand. It's the least I can do for everything he does for us) So after dinner, Hannah, Samantha, Mason, Luella and mom headed out to the yard to play a little soccer. Which Mason is really good at. He and Hanah were kicking back and forth. Sam was watching, she doesn't really get into the sports thing. Then about 6:30 we headed inside to have some hot chocolate to warm us all up. Hanah went home and we did our nightly ritual of getting ready for bed. I was able to get Mason and Lu in bed so when Ben came home it was just Sam and I sitting at the table doing homework. It was actually kinda fun to sit and chat. Sam was telling us some baby names that she liked and dad was making jokes about them, and we were all laughing. It was way funny. Samantha has a real opinion about things like that. If she likes something she will tell you. And on the other hand if Ben doesn't like something he isn't afraid to tell you. It was a long day and they will be long days. But I will just have to figure out some fun things to go and do, especially in the winter. (besides watching "how to train your dragon" over and over with Mason)

It is kinda fun and special to have so much mommy and kids time! Even though we get on eachothers nerves, alot, we have a good time together. They know that I love them and it is so cute to see them love eachother.

I guess it's a good thing to have your own personal realities changed every so often. Mine change so much that I have learned to just kinda get used to it.

By the way CONGRATS BEN FOR THE PROMOTION!!!! You totally deserve it. You work harder than anyone I know, you put in longer hours than anyone I know and good things are bound to come your way! WE LOVE YOU!!!


Tiffany said... are my hero! Sometimes when I think...I can't do that by myself...I think...Whitney can do it...only she has 3!! :) Love ya girl!