Monday, October 11, 2010

Today as Mason and I were walking home from dropping Samantha off at the bus stop he told me the sweetest thing. Here is how our little conversation went . . . .

Mason "Mom, someday when I get bigger I'm going to marry you."

Mom "You are?"

Mason "Yea, and I will get you a prettiful flower."

Mom "Oh Mace that is so nice."

Mason "Yea I will be a prince and give you flowers"

Mom " That's nice, how come? Do you love me?"

Mason "Yes mom I love you!"

I ask you does it get any sweeter than that? No, it does not! Those are the moments that I love so much. And then when we got inside and Lu woke up from her nap, we were playing and I was trying to teach Luella how to give kisses. So I said "give me a kiss" and Mason heard me and came over and gave me a kiss. It is so great, especially since he went through a phase of not letting me kiss him and not wanted to kiss me. He is so sweet, me very own little prince!!!


Tiffany said...

SOOO cute! I can seriously hear his cute little gruff voice in my head as I read the dialog! :) VERY SWEET!

Rebekah said...

Darling!!! :)