Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I called to talk to my sister today, and the first thing she asked me was "Have you fallen off the face of the planet?" It has been just over a week since I last posted, I know that is a while for me. I mean, since I have been on this kick of wanting to remember these days with my little ones; yea, not posting in a week is a while. But don't worry I haven't fallen off the face of the planet. Some days I just feel like I've fallen off the ball, but not the planet.

There is a really strange theme going on . . . . apparently all 3 of my kids love watching tv, maybe I would go as far as saying they are obsessed with the tv.

While we were in the car last week, Sam and Mason both put on their headphones to watch and listen to the movie. They LOVE that they can be in the car and still watch their favorite movies.
Somehow Samantha still managed to take a little time out to pose for a picture.
See how into the show that Mason is! We turn the movie on, ask him if he can see it on his screen, and basically if he doens't asnwer then we know that it is on. From then on he is glued. I love watching him react to the movie. He laughs at the funny parts, gets scared at the scary parts, I just love it.

We were watching Dancing with the Stars and as you can see, even our littlest girl is loving the tv. Ben was feeding her, and she wasn't even faced towards the tv, but she crinked her neck so she could watch. Seriously the whole bottle long, she was turned and watching. It must be time to get out those Baby Einstein dvd's.

I took Mason and Lu grocery shopping with me. We were making our last little stop and getting some meat cut, and Mason noticed that there was a tv showing one of his favorite movies (Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs). He was about at the end of his attention span, so right when he noticed the tv (thank you Walmart) I realized that he was totally fine. He wasn't making a sound, I even had to peer around all the bread stands to make sure he was still right there; that's how quiet he was. He had planted himself right there on the dirty and I'm sure gross floor, and was just watching. It was so cute!