Monday, April 5, 2010


My kids were so excited to find their easter baskets with some toys and treats, and then to go on a little easter egg hunt in our living room. Isn't it amazing what simple little things little kids just love?! We played around our house just for a bit, then we headed over to the Rich's to have breakfast, watch confrence and have another little egg hunt. Just another day to get hyped up on sugar, I guess. But my kids LOVE it. After we watched confrence, came home and re-cooped a bit, then it was time to head over to the Ballstaedt's for a little BBQ. We had dinner and just hung out and played. My mom is out of town visiting my sister, so we all took the reins and planned a fun little get together. Always fun to see family!

Easter morning with their baskets
Tif and I with our cute little babies!

I am just IN LOVE with this little face.

I tried to get Samantha in on the bunny ears picture, but she would have nothing to do with it.
She just wanted to hang out with Lance's brother Scott. That is the only way we could get her picture with the bunny ears on.
All the adults were tired and napping (except for yours truly) so the kids sat and watched a little movie to keep them quiet.

Even Ben and little Lu had a little Rest and Relaxation
Easter was always one of my favorite holidays, I just hope that I can make it as memorable for my kids and my parents did for me! Now we just have to get these kids down from their sugar high.