Thursday, April 15, 2010


Ben had yesterday off, so off course we had to plan something way fun! We have some major work to be done in the backyard, so what better time than when we are both home together.(I loved working side by side with Ben. It made me so happy that we were both out there working together. I love the satisfaction that comes from finsihing a project. I am definately a project girl!) We took 2 loads of cement to the dump, which by the way has changed a ton. I remember going with my dad when I was a little girl, and basically we got to drive right out, onto everything and dump our garbage. But now, you just dump the junk into cement bins, weird. But anyways, the kids were great while we worked, Sam went to school, and then when it was time to pick her up it was time for Ben and I to take our kids on a date.

I thought it would be a good idea if we took our kids out on a date instead of Ben and I having a date night. My mom watched Lu and we headed out to the movies. I had heard really great things about the movie "How to train your Dragon" Well, lets just say that even though it is all about dragons, I think Samantha loved it just as much or more than Mason. It was such a clever and cute movie. The kids did so good. We got them each their own little movie snack pack (popcorn, icee, and a treat in the cutest little container), and the kids just loved their treat and watched the movie. Mason has this thing where whenever we go to a movie, as soon as the lights go out and the movie begins he asks, quite loud I might add, "how do we get out?!" He just wants to make sure that he knows how to get out of there if he needs/wants to. It was so cute to watch Sam and Mason just loving the movie, totally getting into it.On the way to pick up Luella Samantha was practicing her dragon growling. She kept on growling at Ben and I so we decided to join in and growl back. When we got home all they could do was talk about Toothless the dragon, growl like a dragon, and fly around trying to catch eachother. My kids loved it and it was so much fun to have an afternoon date with them!!!