Wednesday, April 7, 2010


So, I LOVE the fact that I am getting older. The first time I met my father in law Jim, when he found out how old I was he said "she's a youngin" So you can see my delight in seeing my age grow in numbers!!! But there is one thing that I am not excited about, that is my hair going gray; or even getting grays. It is REALLY attractive on men, I love that Ben is getting grays. But on me, I don't think so. I found a couple gray hairs the day I went home from the hospital with Luella. Then a couple months later I found a few more. Then this morning I found another. I am not too happy about it. I guess it is lucky that I can take care of it by coloring my hair, hide it for a while. There are plenty of reasons why my hair would be going gray. Just to name a few . . . . . . watching and waiting for Mason to trip and fall (all the time), wondering what kind of damage the fall will do this time, (we were out on a walk tonight, and he started running down a little hill and down he went. Scuffed up his upper lip, nose, and knees. The kid is so clumsy, but really just brushes it right off), not being able to get sitters, hence not being able to go out with my hubby (I don't thing Ben and I have gotten a sitter in the last 2 months. That means that Ben and I haven't gone out on a date in the last 2 months. Do you feel sorry for me, I sure hope so!), my neurotic dog wrecking my backyard (ok so it wasn't such a great backyard in the first place, but that doesn't mean that she can make it worse. She goes out there and just digs and bites up the grass, leaving holes all over the place), trying to keep my house in order (which has slowly turned into little piles of STUFF all over the house), getting kids to bed that just use excuse after excuse for why they don't want to go to bed, taking all 3 kids grocery shopping (it should have been a quick trip and turned into a 2 hour fiasco. I think I am definately going to be a night time grocery shopper), and I could probably go on and on. The fighting kids, the yelling mom, the unhappiness going on at our house. I'm sure all of this is adding to the stress of the disaster with my hair. Of course, you know that the chaos isn't all the time. We have our awesome moments and then on the flip side we have our moments where I make sure all the windows are shut so my neighbors (or anyone walking by) can't hear our screaming and yelling. Shutting the windows doesn't really do much since our windows are 30+ years old. People would be able to hear the yelling even if the windows were shut. (I wish that I was one of those moms that never yelled at her kids, but now you all know that sometimes I scream to get my point across. I don't love it, and I'm working on not yelling, but really; sometimes I just can't stop myself) But needless to say, all these stresses are inevitable. They will come about at some time, and I guess I just have to accept it. My hair will go gray. I just never thought that I would be 26 and finding my first several grays. So, I will continue to dye my hair. And every time I see one of those pesky, not so cute gray hairs, I will pluck it out. Even though I am getting older, I don't want to look that OLD.