Sunday, August 22, 2010


This post is so late, but I guess better late than never. So my family planned a trip to Ohio to visit Heather and Joe and the kids (especially since Heather just had her 3rd and they were going to be blessing cute little Jonathon). Ben decided that it would be easiest if just I go with the 2 girls, and he stay here with Mason. So I headed out to Ohio with my girls. We left on Sam's birthday and she was so excited about it. She loved the plane rides and didn't mind the 5 hour layover in Chicago. She was thrilled about the whole day. I got her a new backpack and filled it with some great things to keep her busy on the plane and in the airport. She LOVED her leapster. It was so cute. Doesn't she just look so cute and grown up!!!

Finally in Ohio!!!

Samantha and Martha had so much fun together! Even though they had their frenemies moments, they just loved eachother.

Meet Jonathon Taylor Chrisman. Isn't he so cute?!

Heather was so sweet and made Sam a birthday cake. We celebrated all together the day after her birthday.

There are our little salt and pepper babies.

Look at that happy girl getting ready to make her birthday wish and blow out her candles.

Sidney County Fair

We went to the county fair and it was such a blast. It was really hot, but that didn't seem to bother anyone. We had fun going and seeing all the animals, milking a cow, petting an alpaca, and just hanging out together. You never know what might come of all of us siblings getting together. See Luella's head piece, this is something the aunts rigged up.

Samantha looks like such a big girl in there petting the alpaca. She really has grown up so much.

I forgot to mention that the second night at Heather's Hilary decided that she wanted her hair braided, her whole head braided. She decided this at 7 pm and we didn't finish until close to 3 am. Jessica, Hilary and I had fun staying up and laughing about everything. Apparently everything is alot funnier at 3 am.

These 3 girls had so much fun hanging out for a whole week.

This little girl looks exactly like Heather did when she was younger.

We went to Walmart for a quick something and when we put Lu in the cart she held on for dear life. Look at the grip she has on those straps.

Grandma B and Rebecca giving Jonathon a little bath.

Luella was and still is my little buddy. She just keeps pretty close to my side, all day long. I just love this little girl.

My little Lu had a really hard time going to sleep, which is not normal at all. So we tried all sorts of things to get her tired. Rocking her, just letting her stay up, and taking her out onto the front porch in the dark. Rebekah put some earphones on her and let her read her book. She was so cute in this tiny little chair, just her right size.


Someone in Heather's ward was so nice and let us go to her lake house for the day. We played games, read, swam, canoed, boated and just hung out. This was so funny, there was box that Velda (she owned the lake house) told the little girls had candy in it. So when they went to open it, a pretend mouse pops out. Samantha loved it but poor little Martha not so much.

These were some of Jonathon's first smiles!



Heather had these cute matching dresses, so of course we put Sam and Martha in them.

Jonathon loves to be held, so we put him in the Moby. He loved it, and Heather was able to get stuff done while holding him.


We had to get up and on our way to the airport by 1:30 am. Since I drove and Jessica stayed up with me so we knew where we were going, Sam and Hilary got to sleep in the car.

Any chance Hilary got she would wear the moby and have Lu in it. Luella slept great in it.
Our way home was super crazy. We were supposed to go from Columbus to Chicago and then home (and make it to Salt Lake by 10:30 am) Our flight to Chicago got delayed and then we missed our flight in Chicago to Salt Lake. So we had to find another couple flights. I felt bad about bringing Luella with us on 2 more flights, and my parents and Mckay were flying into Chicago right before we were flying out; so Mckay booked it over to us before we got on and snagged Lu, a bottle and a diaper. My mom took Luella straight home to Salt Lake. Samantha was such a good sport about all the plane rides. She actually just loved it. She kept saying "when are we getting on our next plane?!" So, we finally got back to Salt Lake that night. It was such a fun trip! Fun for all of us to be together and to be able to go out and see Heather and Joe and their kids.

When I got home, my little Mace didn't feel good. Then the next morning right after breakfast he just went over to the couch and layed down and fell asleep. He is so cute! I missed him on our trip but he had so much fun with Dad, Honey and Aunt Anna ( who he just loves by the way!!!)

Thanks Ben, Honey and Anna for taking care of Mason so I could take the girls and go out to visit Heather. Ben is always doing things like that so I can go off and take trips with my family. I love him so much!!!