Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Luella 9 Months

I can't believe that this cute baby is already 9 months old. I seriously feel like I just barely left the hospital and brought her home. Ben and I took her to her check up she is not such a small baby. She weighs 19 lbs and is just over 28 inches long. She is a tall baby and just average for her weight. Average? She seems alot bigger than average! She is so different than my other 2 babies, it's weird. Sam was a really little baby for a while and then she chunked up, Mason was always pretty average, and Lu was small only for a short time and then she just got so big. I thought Sam and Mason were dark, but having Luella who is really, really dark, it is crazy. She skin is alot darker and her hair is too. Her features are alot more noticable. Like her eye brows, they are so distinct, it is so cute. I just love every single thing about this baby, and the nice thing is she really likes me too! My other 2 liked me but prefered Ben. Luella actually prefers me?! I don't know why but I will take it. I can't get enough of her! She is such an easy going, calm and peaceful baby. Granted she is finding her vocal cords a bit more, but she is just an angel. She will eat anything and everything, she sleeps ALL NIGHT LONG, she goes to the gym day care and doesn't fuss, she is just so pleasant. She is definately going to be our little peacemaker in the family. You'd think by 9 months she would be able to crawl but no, not Lu. I think that is mainly because I haven't been able to leave her on the ground by herself very much. I'm not quite sure what Sam and Mason would try with her. But she is getting really close to crawling. She moves, but mainly scoots while she is trying to crawl. She says alot of ma ma ma ma and da da da da. I like to think that she really is trying to get my attention. She makes so many cute faces and does so many cute things, like she is learning how to wave and clap her hands. They other day I picked her up from the gym day care and they said it looked like she was trying to whistle. It has just been so much fun to watch her grow and develop. It has been a different experience from the other 2. I think I'm just a bit more laid back this time around and she is just such a great baby. I can't wait for her hair to grow a bit longer so I can actually so something with it. I've gotten tired of the headbands cause when I take them off she has such crazy hair, it's bad. So in time she will have little piggies with bows. We just love our little Lu and the fun little spirit she brings to our family!


the Eggett's said...

Why is it that our little babies get big so darn fast?? I can totally see the Ballstaedt side in Luella! She's so cute!