Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Here it is . . . . your birthday post! Enjoy it while you can. So I'm not great about posting when it is my siblings birthdays, it's kinda hit and miss. I really need to be better, but these 2 girls birthday's were this summer and thought I'd give a little shout out to each of them!

Rebecca Ballstaedt's birthday was in June, so I am way late, but Happy Birthday. She shares a birthday with Nicholas (my cute brother), and we are so lucky to have her in our family! She and Nicholas are such a cute couple, and as of a year ago, great parents. This girls just does it all. She is always up for anything and everything. She is incredibly thoughtful, always the first to offer to help, an awesome mom, and I just love her. Our two little salt and pepper babies are only about 6 weeks apart. I am so excited that they are going to be able to grow up together and be little buddies. I love having her as a sister in law and we are really lucky to have her in our family! Happy Birthday Rebecca, love you!

Rebekah Cole's birthday was in the middle of July, so not too far off, but still catching it late. So I have always had a close friendship with Rebekah. I remember when she was leaving out on her mission I was so sad. Then while she was out, she called me on my birthday 2 times. She just never forgets! That is exactly how this girl is. She never forgets, she is always remembering birthdays, important dates, everything like that. She makes you feel like you are the most important person out there. She is always offering to help me out with my kids, and they love her. Samantha tells me all the time that Rebekah makes the best pretzel cookies ever! I can call and just chat and I love it. I love that you come and hang out with me and my kids, even though it is crazy. I just love you to pieces. Happy belated birthday. I am so blessed to have you as my sister!

I love both of these girls so much. Happy Birthday, maybe next year I'll catch it a little bit close to the actual day. Love you both like crazy!!!