Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I have taken all these pictures in the last little bit, but not posted them. There are so many cute ones of my monkeys that I had to put all of them on here.

Samantha and Mason were wanting to play dress up with Luella
so they came up with this. She is such a good sport, just puts up with it and
lets them have fun with her.
I went on a walk with Hilary (before the weather got yucky again). It was a little
bit chilly outside, and I found this cute little hat the Honey gave us.
She looked exactly like one of those "Thing 1 and Thing 2" from Dr Seuss.
Mason totally fell asleep on the walk. If he falls asleep you know
he needs a nap.

Even with this funny hat she looks adorable!

Mason's new thing is to take his shirt off and just hang out without one.
He gets so over heated, he takes his shirt off and either asks for a "cold"
shirt or just doesn't even put one on.

The 3 little kids, Mason was wanting to hold Lu and
asked me to take a picture.
Lu doesn't look that happy, but at least she will sit there and let him hold her.
He loves her so much.
I think it is so cute to see him want to hold her and love her.
We went to a graduation party for Matt. The kids cannot get enough of
their aunts and uncles. They just play and play until the aunts say no more and the kids
go find someone else to play with.
They are so good to them, sometimes I just don't have the energy to run
and run with them, but my sisters always do.

The kids went and played at my mom's Saturday morning while I did hair.
Apparently Samantha had fun looking for rollie pollie's.
That is one of her favorite things to do (besides jumping on Grandma's
new trampoline)

Mason had fun finding acorns. They love to find little treasures and
bring them home. Just more "stuff" .

Luella and Charly are just a couple months apart. I wanted to take some
pictures side by side to see the difference.
And then we just had alot of fun taking their pictures. They will be such good
little friends so close in age.

Doesn't Rebekah look so cute with these little babes?!
K seriously, look at those eye lashes! She has such engaging eyes,
I thing that is one of the most beautiful things about her.

They don't even look like there is a bit of age difference between them.
If anything Luella looks like she could be older, mainly cause she is such a chunk.
They are so cute. As my mom has been saying since both of them were born
Salt and Pepper babies!


Rebecca and Nick Ballstaedt said...

Oh my goodness, I didnt even know that you were taking those pictures. I love it. They make a great little boosom buddy team don't they. Thanks Whit for loving my family. It has been so much fun wathcing your kids grow and learn from you. Cute blog! I need those pictures.