Monday, May 10, 2010


I got up and started to feed Luella and Ben was up making his usual breakfast, eggs in a blanket. He makes this anytime there is something special going on.While Ben was cooking he was giving Mason some coaching to come over and give me a hug, a kiss and say "Happy Mother's Day". The first time he came over it was a hug and a kiss. The second time it was another hug and a kiss. The third time it was another hug and kiss. And the forth time it was him putting his cheek next to mine waiting for me to give him a kiss. It was so dang cute. Every time he would go back to Ben and give high five and Ben would tell him good job. It totally melted my heart. Then cute Sam got up and gave me a good mornin hug and kiss. There was lots of love at our house. So once I was done feeding Lu, we all sat down and had breakfast together. Ben had the kids give me a little card and a present. Ben is always very thoughtful in his very own way. I totally appreciate it. He let me take my time getting ready for church with no distractions. It is a rare thing when I can just hang out in the bathroom and dink around getting ready, so that was way nice.

We headed to Joanne's for dinner and hung out there with the family. Now that we are all Mother's at the Rich's house the men all helped out by setting things up for dinner and cleaning up and playing with the kids and letting us women just sit back and do what we do best; chat.

Then we headed up to the Ballstaedt's to wish my mom a Happy Mother's Day. Everyone was up there jumping on the tramp and playing the bean bag toss game. I love just playing in the backyard and laughing together. The kids had a blast jumping on the tramp. It is the newest fun plaything at Grandma B's house. But after so long, the kids got really tired and we really needed to head home and get them in bed.

Now that I am a mom I more appreciate what my mom did for me and is still doing for me. I'm thankful for the great job that my mom did in raising me and Joanne did in raising Ben. They are both such great mom's and great examples of what a mother's role is. I love them both and am greatful to be able to call both of them Mother!

Thanks Ben for making it a great Mother's Day, taking care of the kids and jsut letting me relax.