Tuesday, May 11, 2010


K I have a confession. I LOVE the biggest loser! I think it is such a great and inspirational show. It has great tips for everyone and seriously, it saves so many people's lives. It gives them a second chance on a better way of living. So that is the first part of my confession.

The second half is that I LOVE chocolate, actually anything sweet! I'm totally addicted. As a side note, just to give you an idea. Ben had 4 candy bars in the fridge the other day. He came home and I told him that there was now only 1, that's right just 1. I had a great day of eating healthy, playing with the kids, making it to the gym and then by 4 0'clock I really needed something. And by 7 when Ben got home, I had eaten 3 candy bars. (do you know how many calories just 1 candy bar is? K do the math for 3 of them, not so great right?!) So when I'm a little stressed I like to reach for chocolate. I've always said that if I was a drinking woman I would start around 5 pm. And seeing how I don't drink, I choose to go for the chocolate instead.

So back to my addiction to chocolate. I love it so much that it seems like lately I've wanted/needed a candy bar every single night after dinner. Sad right?! Well it is really true. And here is a big confession, I have a stash of peanut m&m's and hot tamales in the drawer of my night stand next to my bed. Really sad! So now you know that I have a serious problem. But an even more serious problem is that I can't seem to stop. I have to tell Ben not to give me candy as presents, or leave it in the house because I can't seem to find the self control needed to not eat it.

Now, I love watching the biggest loser and I love chocolate. Can you see where I'm going with this? I love watching the biggest loser and eating chocolate. Tonight we were getting ready to go turn on the biggest loser and I realized that I didn't have a treat to eat while watching. So Ben made a run (he was craving an icee himself), and got me my fix of chocolate. So now that I am set with my twix I can sit and relax and watch my favorite inspirational show. Then I can hit it hard in the morning like I have been every day at the gym. I'm hoping that I can gain some selfcontrol and won't need a candy bar a day, or more.


The Lively's said...

LOL! You are too funny! I am the same way not necessarily with chocolate but I have to have a treat after dinner well after every meal pretty much! Ice Cream is my weakness anyhoo that was very entertaining. Good luck with your addiction. :)