Thursday, May 20, 2010

Luella's 6 month check up

I went in for Luella's 6 month check up this week, I can't hardly believe that already half a year has gone by. It just seems to be flying by, and I just have to remember to enjoy it . . . all of it.
So we went in and Luella is growing like a weed . . . . .

Weight . . . . . .16.2 lbs
Height . . . . . .26.5 inches
She has jumped up to the 70% for her height, and just about average for her weight. So now she is getting a little length going behind all that weight. She is just getting so big and chunky, it so cute. She hasn't really shown any sign of teeth, but that's ok. Sam didn't start getting teeth til around her 1st birthday and Mason was getting his first ones around 6 months and had a full set by 1. They are all just so different. She isn't rolling over a ton (but maybe that's because I don't put her on the floor long enough to roll over. When she is on the floor the kids think it is so fun to jump over her, not really safe so we stay away from the floor unless mommy is right there), she is kinda getting a little more balance when she tries to sit up, but still falls over. I did find her the other morning in her bed on her tummy. She had turned over and couldn't get back onto her back, she wasn't that happy about it.
The doctor gave the go ahead to start feeding her anyting we want, except honey and nuts. We have been giving her little tastes of what we are having but, now the fun begins. She already LOVES her bottle so much. And when I get out some jar food, she goes crazy. This morning I fed her some yogurt, and she ate it up so fast. She definately loves her food. Anything and everything we give her she eats and enjoys it. This is where the fun starts. I love introducing new foods to babies and seeing how they react. The cute faces that they make whether they like it or not, it is so fun.
She is really starting to love her little snuggle blanket. I get my kids little plush blankets in hopes that they will attach to them. Samantha and Mason really love theirs, they still sleep with them every night. We have said many prayers asking for help to find those little blankets. So just the fact that when I put Luella in bed to take a nap or go to bed and as soon as I hand her the little soft blanket, she grabs onto it and holds it close to her face. I love it. Every little kid should have something that they are attached to.
The other day I was at my moms and I laid Lu down on the family room floor and went outside with my sister for a minute. I came back in and Lu was now on the couch. I asked Samantha how she got there and Sam said that she walked over to the couch. So I put Luella back on the floor and had Sam show me. Sam carefully (as careful as a 4 yr old can be with a 6 month/chunky baby) picked her up and carried her over to the couch. At least she hadn't gotten hurt or dropped. Samantha just loves to help out with her little sister. She loves to bring her toys, her binky, make her laugh and just love her! Mason is the same. Just this morning I was sitting in the kitchen feeding Lu her bottle and Mason came up and stood behind Lu's head and gave her the cutest kiss on her forhead and gave her a little hug. That little boy is sweet when he wants to be.
I am just so enjoying Luella in our family. I feel very blessed to be her mommy and have that special duty to take care of her. I feel that way about all my kids! I love them all more than I can even describe, they each have very special things about them and melt my heart in different ways. But this little Lu is the only baby that at 6 months knows her mommy! Even a few months ago she was noticing if someone other than mom was holding her. She would follow the sound of my voice and see where I was going. It has been different because my other 2 weren't like that. I mean they knew who their mom was, but I would almost say that they would probably prefer to have daddy. So Luella and I have this special little bond. I feel like she is going to be my little peace maker! We need one of those around here. I love going to get her out of bed and seeing that beautiful little face and smile. I can't wait to see her after I haven't been around her for a bit. She is just such a great addition to our family. We love her so much. It is so fun to see her change, and to see her little personality start to form. It was so sad to see her get shots, as it always is every time. But when the nurse put these little bandaids on those cute chunky legs I had to take a picture.


Our Loved-up Family said...

Hi Whitney, I just saw your blog on Ben's facebook page, it was fun to read about Luella and see how she's growing. It's so fun being a mom isn't it! We have a blog, but it's private, so send me your email and I'll send you an invite!
Sarah Baker (