Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saturday Projects

Well Ben had the day off and we decided to stay home from Bear Lake (which would have been a GREAT weekend) to do some projects around the house. More like some major yard work.

We had a hole in our backyard where a trampoline used to be and it really needed to be filled in and everything around it leveled. Also, we had several stumps, bushes, weeds and such to be pulled out.

I joked around with my dad about coming and bringing his back hoe, and he just said (it will just take Ben a couple hours with a shovel). So we got ourselves ready to work. We even went and bought an ax to help get the stumps out. My dad called and told Ben that he was on his way over with his "toy".

He is seriously so selfless! That is one of the only ways to describe him ( there are many others, but that is one of the greatest things about him). There were other places he could have been, and other projects of his own that he could have been doing, but he came and got so much done in our yard. He probably saved us at least 2 other Saturdays of work.
I think he came just cause he loves to play in his big kid toy!!!!

He came and worked for a couple of hours and now we have a huge pile to put out for our Fall Cleanup day. My kids were so excited that he was coming with the back hoe, but once he got there, they were mainly just scared.
Here they are watching from a far distance.

Mason just hid behind the banister while my dad was working and then when the noise was gone, he would come down closer. I've never seen Mason so shy around something so fascinating.

(Also check out the awesome hat!!! He loves that thing and wears it everywhere. Everytime he puts it on, he tells me how awesome he looks. "I look awesome Mom!!!" It must be a boy thing)

It was just amazing watching my dad work. He is so precise. We had some stumps right next to the fence, and he got right next to it without knocking it down.
It was also funny to watch Ben. He would grab a shovel like he was going to help, and he would start moving dirt around and my dad with move a whole pile of dirt where Ben was working in one fail swoop. And the best part is that my dad was in the cab laughing!!!
I am just so grateful for my dad! He always takes the time to lend a hand. Whether it is with projects like this (or the cement slab in Lehi, the trees in Lehi) or just for some good advice. He is one of the most giving and selfless people I know, and he teaches so many great lessons to me through his example.
I love you dad, thanks for all you do for us!!!