Thursday, September 17, 2009

8 months and counting . . . .

I thought a little update was in order. I am 8 months and really starting to count down. I am really getting anxious for this baby boy or girl (I don't know we will see) to come.
This pregnancy has been so different than the other two that I have absolutely no idea what I am having. There are no clues that lead to one or the other.
I felt the same amount of sick as I did with the other 2. The bad taste in my mouth was just worse this time, which isn't fun because you feel like you always need something to eat the change that taste.
This baby is so low in my tummy that it is just constantly kicking my down stairs and making me have to pee all the time. Really, if my tummy hurts, I know that I need to pee!!!
The last thing that is really different is that I haven't gained as much weight as I normally do or was expecting to (so far). I mean that isn't a bad thing, I'm just comparing the differences. There isn't as much time to just sit and relax this time around. There is always something to be done, like cleaning all the base boards in the house, washing the walls, laundry, dishes, mowing the lawn (which I don't do that great, but at least it gets done and Ben doesn't have to do it when he gets home from work), running errands, making sure Sam is ready for preschool and the list goes on and on.
I am so excited to see whether I have a little Teagon or Luella. Ben's aunt Janette thinks I am have a girl by the way my belly looks. Joanne thinks it is a girl, Tiffany thinks and hopes it is a boy, Sam and Mason go back and forth. But Sam said she wants a boy so she can have 2 brothers (or maybe so she can be the only girl and not share daddy), and Mason says he wants a sister.
I think I am just most excited that this baby will be in my arms and not in my belly keeping me up at night. Honestly, it moves around so much at night and especially when I lay down that sometimes I actually feel nausious from the movement. I told Ben to imagine something constantly moving around in his belly all throught the night. It can't be a good sign that it is so active at night, when it should be sleeping.
But I am just excited to only have about 7 weeks left and then we can all see this baby. And I can't wait for Samantha and Mason to hold it and love it like they love their new nephew baby Jayden and neice baby Charly.
Sam keeps asking when the baby is coming and Mason has tried lifting my shirt to find the baby.
I just tell them that once Halloween is here, then the Baby will come right after that!!!!!
So the count down of weeks is on.


Tiffany said...

I can't wait either! Let's go to fetal photos or buy that stick Marse was talking about!!! I'm just so excited!!!

the Eggett's said...

Yay Whitney! I am so excited for you! Good luck in the oncoming weeks! It is so great to read your blog and see what you guys are up to!

Lanae said...

I hope it's a... boy! I just think it would be fun for little Cayden and Jaden to have another boy buddy to play with. But I guess Jordan has such a crush on Sammy it really wouldn't matter either way. I hope you're feeling well and good luck to you these next few weeks.