Monday, November 22, 2010


I woke up this morning and had high hopes of getting a ton done. Don't we all on Mondays? Well, this was just not my typical day, or Monday for that matter. I had been having some pain consistently since Sunday morning, but definately on and off for the last week. So after calling my mom to get some advice on the matter, she told me to call the dr. When the nurse called back, my kids were getting their hopes up for going to the gym and getting out of the house. Well, after I told her my problem she told me to go straight to the ER. "Really?! Are you sure?!" was all I could ask her. This was not something I was wanting to do or had planned in my day. So I called my mom to let her know what was happening and she told me she was on her way. Well, that was nice cause I was just going to call a sitter and drive myself there. Then my mom called me back and told me that my sister Rebekah was on her way right now to my house to watch my kids. How even nicer. My sister to watch my kids and my mom to come with me. I'm sure this was not what they were wanting or planning on doing today, but it was such a help.

My mom and I got to the ER and I couldn't believe how busy it was. I kinda felt a little silly . . . there were people who you could tell really were sick or had something wrong. I was just there cause my dr was being extra safe. I'll spare you all the details, but lets just say after a chest x-ray, lots of blood work, my legs being ultrasounded and 5 hours later they couldn't find anything wrong. AWESOME NEWS!!! But doesn't it stink when you get to the dr's with a problem and they can't really give you any answers? The only thing they could tell me was that maybe there is some inflamation, or my baby is too heavy, or stress, but who really knows. So after all that and a 100$ copay (I am still kicking myself about that one), my mom and I drove away from the ER. It was however nice to just sit there and be with just my mom, that doesn't happen very often.

I dropped my mom off and got back to my house and my sister Rebekah and my sister in law Rebecca were there with the kids. It was nice not having to worry about them. Rebecca had come over with her little Charly and brought some dinner for us. It was so nice of her to do that.
Thanks to my mom, Rebekah and Rebecca, even though it seemed like a wasted couple hours (always better safe than sorry), I totally appreciated them being so willing and able to come and help me out. I love you all so much.