Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Little Luella turned 1! We celebrated Luella's 1st birthday last week, I can't believe it has already been a year. I feel like I just barely came home from the hospital with her. It's amazing how fast time goes. But is has been such a great year, especially since she has been such an amazing baby. She sleeps when it's time to sleep, eats when it's time to eat, and plays and is happy the rest of the time. She has been such a blessing in our family, a little piece of heaven here in our home.

Out of all 3 kids, she is the only one that is really attached to me. It's kinda nice to have at least one that really, really likes you. The only thing that we really understand her trying to say is when she puts out her hands and reaches in my direction and says "mama, mama" way cute. She has 5 teeth now. 3 on top and 2 on the bottom. She is crawling all over the place, and pulling herself up on everything. She adores Samantha and Molly and is still a little leery of Mason when he comes around. She must just know that boys play a little rougher than girls. Out of no where she has gotten the cutest curly hair. It is so cute, and none of my others have had any curl so it is kinda fun. I took her to the doctors the other day and here is how she weighed and measured . . . .

Weight . . . . 21 pounds
Height . . . . 28 3/4 in
Head . . . . 18 in
She is just getting so big. Definately bigger at this age than my other 2. But I just can't get enough of her. She is just such a fun baby, and I love her so much!
I thought I'd put a picture of when she was born and then one from her birthday. She has changed so much.

So I made 2 oversized cupcakes (1 for Ben and 1 for Luella's birthday's) I thought they turned out so cute and so tasty.

For her birthday they only thing we really did just for her was I took her to get some birthday pictures taken. It was so fun! She is kinda a poser, and I also got some pictures taken with her. I did that with Samantha when she was 1 and I thought how fun to get some with Lu.
On the way to pictures I looked back while driving and saw her sucking away at her toes. She was really going to town.

That night we had some of my family and some of Ben's family over for cake and ice cream. Luella was way more delicate and careful than I thought she was going to be. I thought she would just dive right in, but she didn't like getting her hands dirty. Rebekah helped out by holding the huge cupcake so she could get some bites.

I love this snuggle picture of Luella and Grandma B. Snuggle up and chew on Grandma's necklace.
This is one of Luella's famous faces. She is constanly giving us her shock and awe face.

Ben's birthday was the very next day, I don't know if that was good planning or not, but there it was. He actually had to work, it was so sad to not be able to really celebrate til that night. But my sister Jessica came over after he got off and we went out to a little dinner. It was much, but it was great to not have any kids with us and just sit and chat. We don't get much of that these days.
Ben turned 30 this year! He looks totally hot, doesn't look any older than when I met him (maybe just a few more gray hairs). I love him so much. He works really hard and when he has time, he plays really hard. He helps out with our little family whenever he can, and doesn't ever really complain about it. I feel so lucky that he chose me, and am so lucky that we have such a great little family. He is a great husband, father, and friend. I love you so much babe, Happy Birthday!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY McKAY! We have 3 birthdays right in a row in our family. McKay's is just one day after Ben's. We got together at my parents before and opened presents and had dessert. McKay is so great! He is so fun, my kids love him, and he is incredibly considerate. He brings so much life to our family. He spent his birthday in Florida this year. We missed celebrating with him, but I'm sure he had fun. Happy Birthday Mac!


Rebekah said...

Yea for the birthday post. Love that little girl. I'm glad that she finally "dove" into the cupcake. Great pictures and great get-together. :)