Sunday, September 5, 2010


These 3 little monkeys keep me on my toes, all day long! They are each so sweet, but don't think that they are angels all the time. It's about the time that I can't take any more of that they do something really precious. (especially Mason, he is the KING of driving me crazy and then redeeming himself) We have our good moments and plenty of our nasty ones.

Sam is my little helper! She has really grown up a ton these past few months. She loves to help with Luella, loves to have her quiet time where she just colors, plays with barbies, plays her leapster, or reads her books. It is so great. She loves her sister and is always so cute with her!

Mason is my wild man. The second he wakes up he is on, and then he is on ALL DAY LONG. He is such a tease, and just loves to have fun. But unfortunately sometimes his fun isn't that much fun for Sam and Lu. Luella knows when Mason is coming and lets him know she doesn't want him in her face. He just loves to get right in there and "tease her" in any way he can. He is always finding fun and crazy things to do. The elastics on the head was all Mason. He found a large elastic ball and starting taking them off and putting them on his head, so of course Sam followed.
He loves to get in anyone and everyones face, not just Luella. Luckily his aunts and uncles and grandparents really love him and allow him to have his fun, for the most part.
Mason's new thing, as of this summer, is cutting with scissors. He loves to get paper and just cut it up into really really small pieces. So I let him cut as long as he cleans it up. So the other day after he was done cutting I helped him get the vacuum out and suck it all up. (notice he is wearing a turtle neck, not only that but also a shirt underneath the turtle neck. He is really into picking out his own clothes). I love that he is old enough to understand helping clean up his own messes.

This just explains Mace, he just loves life. He is pretty care free for the most part. He is really a home body though. Every time we leave the house, wherever we go, as soon as we get there he wants to go back home. He says that Molly misses him. He just loves to be home. He can drive me up the wall, constantly talking and teasing his sisters, but then he can be so sweet. At night when I tuck him in, he always melts my heart. I say "I love you" then he repeats it. Then I say "I love you alot" then he repeats it. Then I say "I love you more" then he repeats it. Then I say "I love you forever" then he says "I love you forever, and ever and always!" Oh my gosh, forget about all the rotten things he's done all day long, that totally makes up for it. And then when he puckers up and gives me a kiss, it is like icing on the cake. (a few months ago he wouldn't let me kiss him and he wouldn't kiss me so I love that he will give me little "perfect kisses")
Little Lu aka my little mellow peacemaker. Lately when I set her on the ground so I can have my hands free, if she is tired she will give out a little cry and then put her face down on her blankie and just lay there. It is sweet. I feel bad cause since she is such a good baby, sometimes I just forget about her. I give her a bottle in her bed and then after she is done, she will just grab her binki and plop it in and hang out til I come for her. She makes me feel so loved. She really loves me, and it is so sweet. She notices when I leave the room, or when I enter. She is just such a sweetheart. I love this little girl!

Ben and I were out and Samantha decided to dress Lu up in her little mermaid costume. Luella just lets her, she really loves Sam!

Even though my kids drive me up the wall, and sometimes when Ben comes home, I need him to take them from me so I can have a quiet moment; I love them so much. They make our house really interesting and exciting!


Matt said...

Love all the pictures. You know, Whit, yours is one of the blogs I check on daily. Not that I don't see you guys enough but I just love your honest posts and the pictures of your darling kids. Cute! Cute! Cute! (Especially the rubber band pics and the one w/ Mckay, Mason and Lu screaming :) -Rebekah

Lanae said...

I love all the pictures!

the Eggett's said...

It's nice to read your refreshing perspective, that parenting isn't all flowers and sunshine, but it is definitely worthwhile.