Friday, September 10, 2010


Today Sam was out playing with a friend, and when it is just Mason and I he just follows me around. So I went out to get the mail and as I was coming in I saw a grasshopper on the step. I had Mason come over and look at it and he was very interested. He's a boy, enough said. So he crouched down, and I told him to pick it up. He was hesitant and then he told me to pick it up. I said no and then he said something like this.

Mason "Mom, you pick it up."

Mom "No I don't want to."

Mason "Mom, you pick it up and I'll give you a treat."

Mom " I don't want to pick it up Mason."

Mason " You pick it up and I'll give you a treat" then he pointed at me and said "it's your choice"

I still told him I didn't want to and he told me over and over that if I picked it up he would give me a treat and that it was my choice.

Maybe do you think I say that too many times?! I think so. I am constantly giving these little kids choices and letting them decide. But I didn't really think that they would use it back on me, and over something like a grasshopper. Mason Mason Mason, he just says the cutest things and that is what makes me so in love with this little boy.


Anonymous said...

Hey Whit,
I'll update my blog today if you update yours? Can't get enough of your stories, your kids, your pictures...all of it! ;)

The Ferguson Five said...

Hi Whitney!

It's been a long time since I've checked out people's blogs! So fun to see what you've been up to...especially your trip to Heather's! We miss you guys! Plan a trip to AZ sometime soon & we'll play! Tell your cute family hi!

Love You!

P.S. Have you farkled lately?
Your cousin, Erin :-)