Sunday, January 8, 2012


These are just a few of the things that have been going on during our Sunday activities . . . .

Luella is so random. So today I walked in and she had these goggles on just hanging out.

We went to my parents after dinner at Honey and Poppy's. Luella fell asleep on the way over so I just transferred her to the couch. Then Grandpa went and scooped her up into his arms and went and sat down with her. He just sat there with her asleep in his arms. It was super cute, and then I looked over and he was kinda doing a little playful teasing with her (while she was still asleep, actually she stayed asleep through all the playful teasing). It was just so cute.

Then my mom had Chance and all the kids jumped on the couch with Grandma and Grandpa. It was definitely a kodak moment!

Lu is always asking to hold Chance ( along with Sam and Mason), so I told her to jump in the chair and she could hold him. She got him in her arms and was just loving on him. Giving him kisses and looking at him and talking to him. Way cute!

Luella is going to have to get used to 12:30 church. We dropped her off at nursery and she was crying and then apparently she was so tired she fell asleep, so they placed her on a make shift blanket/bed and covered her up and she had a nice little snooze while at church. This girl can sleep anywhere, it is great!!!


the Eggett's said...

Whitney, I love this! I am so glad that you have been so diligent with your blog, you inspire me!