Sunday, January 29, 2012


This is what Chance looks like after he gets a bath his hair get a good towel dry.

Luella gets so tired she can fall asleep anywhere. She was sitting up at the bar and her head started bobbing. I told her to lay down, so she did just that and laid down on the bar stools.

This little boy is just so cute, I think that is all that I need to say.

The kids like to play around with Chance. So this time they were tickling him and Luella was grabbing his face and kissing him over and over. It was so cute. They just love him so much.

Ben took on a little project one Saturday. We had this rock wall that was not good looking and not safe. So he knocked it down, and it sat with no wall and no carpet for a couple weeks (maybe just 1 week) Then Ben had some carpet laid down and it looks really good. No more worrying about kids falling and getting hurt on the ugly rock wall.


Posh Ideas said...

Whit, Chance is getting so big! And Luella is a doll. Was that Rock Wall in your entry? I need to see the before and after.