Thursday, January 12, 2012


"I'd give up 
but I'm no QUITTER!"

I have this quote in my kitchen, and unfortunately it is really true. Chocolate is one thing that I CANNOT give up. But in all honesty, I need to do something for my problem. And actually it isn't just chocolate, its anything sweet. Homemade caramels, cookies, any kind of candy, and basically anything sweet. 
Did I eat all of these delicious cookies that I made tonight? No, but I ate quite a bit of the dough while I was baking them, and had a couple after they were cooled. I could sit and eat this kind of stuff all the time. It is my definite weakness. So unfortunately, those few extra pounds that found me over the holidays, I know exactly where they came from. And I know exactly how I need to get rid of them.
After I had Mason I had such a healthy diet. I ate such clean and fresh food, and I didn't eat any "junky" food (like no cookies, no candy, no chocolate, no eating out EVER!!!(except the occasional date with Ben and then it was little and healthy),  no seconds, no chips, no breads, basically it was just fruits, veggies, chicken, string cheese, and really healthy stuff like that). Now I'm not saying that I have to cut out everything, like I said, I'm no quitter, so I can't cut out chocolate. But I can cut out the other crappy stuff and be more careful. So that is my challenge to myself. GET BACK ON TRACK WHITNEY!!! I've done it before so I know I can do it again. It takes a lot of work, but anything worth working for is worth it. I can still have the cookies, but maybe just one instead of several at a time (and no going back for seconds), cause really, if you haven't tasted my chocolate chip cookies . . .  you are missing out. They are so worth it!!!!
So that is one of my goals for this new year. Clean up my eating and get back to the healthy basics!

One last quote that I need to put next to my chocolate one . . . 
"Nothing tastes as good 
as SKINNY feels"


the Eggett's said...

you and me both sister. I have a serious addiction to chocolate. it' scary!

Melanie B said...

My dearest Whitney, I've seen you in a swimsuit and if I had your gorgeous body I would keep eating all the chocolate, cookies and treats I could. :) My good friend is dying of cancer and I told her she needed to find a way to send a message once she got to heaven; I need to know if they have chocolate and diet coke there, because if there isn't surely I need to consume more here!!!!!! On the flip side I do understand when I eater 'cleaner' I feel better. However for sure enjoy those sweets while your metabolism still blesses you!!!

Anna-Lisa said...

Yeah but people are more fun to hang out with when they do have seconds, so come on, give yourself a break! We love you and you look great Whitney!