Sunday, October 16, 2011

So . . . . Sunday afternoon, Ben is off at meetings, 2 kids down for naps, Sam is playing with barbies and Mason found a nail file and decided to file and buff my fingernails and toenails. As he was doing so I realized that I really do like to have manicures and pedicures, or at least I like to have people work on my feet and hands. It is so relaxing, and just as I could have and was about to close my eyes it was over. Oh how I really need some pamper Whitney time. Hopefully soon, or I'll just make my kids "pretend" give me mani's and pedi's. This is just how Sunday's should be (minus Ben at the meeting). Relaxing . . . . and of course right as I thought how relaxing it has been today (we had a yummy brunch after church, and have been hanging out together), the teasing and screaming starts up again. At least it was there for a split second, and then back to my reality.