Sunday, October 2, 2011


I was on my way over to my mom's the other day to have a picnic, and while in the car Mason and I had this conversation.

Mason "Mom, can you carry my blanket into the house?"

Me "I can't, I have to carry Luella, Chance and the bag. You'll have to carry it."

Mason "Can you carry my scooter then?"

Me "Mason I can't"

Mason " Why not mom?"

Me "I only have 2 arms."

Mason, without any hesitation "Mom, I wish you have 2 arms on one side and 2 arms on the other. Then you could carry a lot of things."

Me "Me too Mace, that would be nice."

It was pretty funny that he thought of that. But seriously though, wouldn't it be nice to be able to carry and do all that you needed to all at once. But I might look super strange so I guess it's a good thing I don't. Those are about the conversations that we have.

Like last Monday night, we were on a hike and I was carrying Chance in the Bjorn and Mason was walking next to me, but he kept tripping on the rocks. He asked me to carry him but I told him that I couldn't carry him and Chance at the same time. He asked why and I told him I wasn't strong enough. Then he told me that I need to work out so I can get stronger. Thanks bud!!!!!

If only moms were super - moms.