Monday, October 5, 2009

Long Days and even LONGER Evenings

Ben switched branches and is now a service manager. It is great, we are thrilled for him. Now at this new branch he works a little different hours. I was so used to him leaving around 8:30 and getting home around 5:30. Well, now his hours are from 10 to 7, except some days he still leaves around 8:30 and doesn't get home til 7:45 or 8. So that is a long day right, I know a long day for him . . . . . but an even longer day for me and the kids. We are pretty much done with eachother by 5 or 6, so are you wondering what we do to keep ourselves busy for those extra 2 or so hours.
Well, one night we finished dinner (which was really quiet because it was just the 3 of us, pretty weird), cleaned up and got our jackets on and went on a walk all the way around our neighborhood. It is pretty far and no, we didn't even take a stroller. Mason and Samantha walked the entire thing. We left around 6 and got home pretty close to 7. They picked up leaves (which they told themselves were flowers because we aren't allowed to pick other peoples pretty flowers) Samantha found little pebbles, and Mason just brought up the rear.
We have been going to my mom's in the late afternoon, and staying til dinner time when we head home to fix dinner at our house. Today we got to my mom's house and both the kids really wanted to earn some pennies, so they got out the buckets and picked up apples. Til the neighbor's dog barked through the fence and then they were done. But they each earned 25 pennies. They put them in their banks when we got home, and I told them they could save up for a toy or something.
When we come home for dinner, it is always a mystery what we are going to have. Since Ben doesn't get home til later, he usually doesn't want that much to eat. So it is just the kids and me. Tonight, the easiest and pretty healthy thing to do was make eggs, toast and strawberries. Doesn't that picture of our dinner look like it came right off the food network, or straight out of a magazine. I'm sure it is making you all really hungry. Well, my kids loved it. And after we finished dinner, we cleaned the kitchen, got in our jammies, got out our little picture scripture book, and had a cookie while we read scriptures. (thanks to my mom for the yummy home made oreos. She knows the way to Ben's heart) Then we snuggled under a blanket and watched a little Disney Channel til Ben walked up the stairs.
They are long days, but Sam and Mace are learning to be kind and loving with eachother. The other day on the way home Sam told me to look back and see that they were holding hands. I was driving but that didn't stop me from trying to take a picture. It is those moments that I see my kids love eachother and it makes it all worth it. Even though the picture is crappy, I got the most important part, the holding hands.
And even though they are long days for me and the kids, and we 3 are learning so much patience and love for eachother; we are really grateful for our dad who puts in the even longer hours for us. Sometimes Mason will ask why daddy is at work. And I tell him he is there so we can be at home together. Ben never complains, he just does it with a smile on his face (for the most part) and when he comes home, he jumps right in by helping me put the kids to bed. I just love him and all he does for us, and you should see the cute little smiles on Sam and Mason's face when they see him come up the stairs, they just adore him!!!


Tiffany said...

You poor cute thing! I don't know how you do most of the things you do without benny whinny boo boo! You're doing GREAT! You look FANTASTIC! And I can't wait to meet my cute little nephew in only 2 weeks!!!