Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Family Camp Out!

Ben cleaning up before the rain really got going.
Mace being so shy, he did not want his picture taken.

Before he got hurt. He had so much fun just eating licorice and walking around.

Sammy had a blast playing mom, and carrying around a basket with a baby in it, and a blanket to cover the baby. She is so cute.

Joanne had a great idea to camp out in her backyard. I think that is the way to camp, you still have the house to go to if there is a need; and you don't have the dirty dirty part. So we all got there, had a yummy dutch oven dinner and started to set up camp. Yes, it was sprinkling a little. But that didn't stop us. There were a few tents, and then Ben jimmy rigged this awesome lean to. More like a lean to a thousand pieces. It was quite the sight. But it was so fun to get it all set up and hang out and talk. The kids had a blast, except Mason who always manages to get hurt.
I heard a little boy crying and knew that he'd probably burned his hand or something. Well, had had touched one of those propane lanterns with both hands. It was the saddest thing. He just balled and balled. He held onto a little bag of ice cubes, and then he finally (around 11:30) fell asleep in my arms on the air mattress under the lean to. And that is where he slept the whole night, right in my arms. Samantha slept in the tent with Poppy and Honey, who apparently gave up and went inside.
And in the morning right before it really started to down poor, we all got up and headed inside for a tasty breakfast. It was so much fun, I'm sure there will be many more camp outs to come.
Thanks Jim and Jo for hosting!!!