Friday, August 26, 2011


Back to school came fast, probably because it came at the end of August and not in September. It was still technically summer when it was time to go back. But it was fun and sad to send Sam and Mason to school. Samantha started 1st grade and she was so excited. It for sure was bittersweet though. It was hard for me to send her off and not be able to be with her almost the whole day. I worry that friends/people will be nice to her, that she will make friends, that she will be ok, that school will be good to her. I know it sounds silly, but I just wanted her to have her mom with her, her mom's influence. But she was ready and she loves it. She looked so cute on her first day of school. I just love this girl so much. She is so smart and bright and such a special girl. Always wanting to do what is right and make everyone happy.

Mason started preschool this year, and I will be totally honest . . . . I was completely freaked out about it. Mason is my little worry child and I just worry about him all the time. He didn't even want or let me get a picture of him of him on his actual first day, so this was the best I could get. Mason has been excited about school since summer began. He has been ready and wanting to go, and now that it is here I hope it is all he wants and more. I hope he can be a good friend and make some good little friends. My biggest worry is that he will be respectful to his teacher and other adults. I love Mason so much and am glad that he gets to go have a school experience. Something that is his very own and that can be another step in helping him mature and grow up. I'm excited to see him develop and learn as the year goes on.

Mason has goats at his preschool and before I dropped him off at the door he wanted to get out and take a peek at them. He just loves all animals.
Sam and Mason . . . . good luck in school! I hope you both have a great year of learning and fun.