Sunday, June 19, 2011


Happy Father's Day to Ben, Grandpa B, and Poppy!!!

We started out Father's Day with making dad a yummy breakfast and then giving him his gifts. Nothing much, just some fun little "goodies". Some things for him and some things for him to share and enjoy with the kids. After church we headed to my mom's house to celebrate with my dad. My dad is such a great dad and grandpa! He is the most selfless man I know. One of the hardest workers. He is constantly thinking of and serving others. He loves his family so much and has such a cute way of showing us. His grandkids love him, and it is so cute to watch him with them. He is just like a big teddy bear. I love the time he spends with me and my family and the lessons that he has taught me throughout the years. Dad I love you!

Poppy is a great grandpa. I love going into Ben's parents house and hearing my kids yell "poppy". It is so cute to see the relationships that have formed between my kids and Poppy. They are all so different and so special. Poppy is always bringing out such fun projects to do and work on with the kids. One of Mason's favorite things that Poppy has brought up to Bear Lake is the rockets. They put them together and them shoot them off. Mason just lights up when Poppy mentions rockets. Poppy and Dad are so great to let Mason help them with the project. He always feels so special when he is helping them. Poppy is such a great dad and grandpa, we are lucky to have him as both!

Ben is a whole other story!!!!!! I completely lucked out with him. Every father's day I have said that he is such a great dad and my kids just adore him, but it is even more true now than it was then. They hang on every word he says. They just want to be right by him all the time. They are so sad, like in tears, every time he leaves the house. In the morning he is the one that they come and snuggle with in bed. He is such a great dad. He is so hands on, and such a huge help. I couldn't have asked for a better husband and dad to my kids. ( he is so cute, he will wake up Luella hours after she has gone to bed just to bring her into our bed and hang out with her for a bit before he goes to bed.) Each of these kids love him so much and he has such a special spot for each of them!