Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What a project

Well I am finished! After about three weeks of diagnosing problems new and old, the four wheelers are now in working order. Just in the nick of time too, the fourth is around the corner and we will be able to enjoy them for Bear Lake, and I think my wife was on the verge of divorce! They are not perfect and some fine tuning might be in order; however, they start..., and they run pretty well. Here are a few pictures of how they looked before and after.


Nicole M said...

Hey guys!! You're blog is fabulous...I was laughing SO hard when I saw the little captions you made on your pictures. This is so random but you will DIE laughing at this dream I had the other night...I dreamt that all of us were in Mexico again, only this time they decided to put polar bears and a big whale in the pool with us (we were the "tester" group). All of us were scared because they only said they would take the animals out if they bit us. SO...then Ben says, "Comon guys, it will be fun" And he starts riding the whales tail, haha! It was SOOOOOO funny!!! I wonder why I dream such random things sometimes. Anyway, thanks for creating a blog, it's great to see your pics!

Will said...

Hello Rich's Welcome to the blogging world we are pretty new at it too but it's been awesome to stay in touch with friends. Check us out at
Thanks for coming to the zoo we had such a great day. Hopefully we'll all be at the lake the weekend of July 1st and we can hang out.