Wednesday, January 5, 2011



Honey and her sisters put together breakfast with Santa again this year. Sam and Mason were way more excited about it this year than they were last. Ben was working so it was quite the ordeal to get everyone there, get them breakfast and have a good time. But Honey was alot of help, and the kids really liked it. As soon as Santa walked in, he went right up to Santo and told him exactly what he wanted (a piggy bank for his monies). I was surprised he went right up to him and wasn't scared.


Samantha has been taking dance, but not really loving it. So we told her that she had committed to the performance and that she had to stick with it, and then we could re evaluate dance. So when her dance performance came around, she was excited to be dancing, but more excited to be done. And she was super excited for family to come and see her perform. She looked so dang cute, I would love her to continue dancing, but it just breaks my heart taking her to dance balling her eyes out.


We got together with the Rich's for another Christmas Adam. This year we pulled off quite the nativity including angels and all. We had a great dinner, and then had the nativity and exchanged presents. It was a way fun night to hang out before christmas.


I love Christmas Eve with my family. It is just tradition and it doesn't feel like Christmas not being with them. We had dinner, and then we do our traditions of reading the nativity and singing along, watching "The Gift" (which we have been watching for as long as I remember), and then the Christmas Ball (another tradition that has been going on for my whole life).


Don't I look happy?! Well, actually I am pretty tired. Ben and I started this tradition if you will, where Santa doesn't wrap any presents until christmas eve when the kids are in bed, so that ends up being really late. But we watched a movie, wrapped presents, set everything up and headed to bed.


I was surprised, the kids didn't get up til after 7. I love seeing their faces when they walk into the living room and seeing everything set up. We had to get a quick picture before the room got a complete mess. Sam was happy playing with her toys, Mason right away took all of his things right into his room (probably so Lu wouldn't get them), and Lu loved just sitting in the middle and getting her hands on whatever she could.

Then we headed to the Rich's for christmas morning. The line up, and then heading in to unwrap presents.


You guessed it, Samantha got a makeup kit for christmas. Christmas day when we went to my mom and dad's house she asked everyone if she could give them a makeover. Everyone said no, til she got to Grandpa, and he said yes. It was about the cutest thing ever!!! She put lipstick and eye shadow and blush on him. He just sat there and let her, and was so nice about it. Then he left it there for a while after. Mason came up to him and asked him to wash his face off.

So then ever since Christmas, Samantha has been doing makeovers like crazy. She came to me after this one ( with the flames coming off her eyes) and I asked her who she had ever seen wearing makeup like that. She told me that she saw someone at the movie theater that looked like that. Then Mason was so nice and let her put makeup on him and paint his nails.


Ben worked on New Years Eve (of course), so the kids and I had to find some things to do until he got home. We headed over to Grandma B's house so the kids could play in the snow. The only problem was, that when I got all their snow gear on, they went outside and then they came right back to the door and told me that they couldn't build a snow man. So of course the fun mom that I am (hear that Ben, I am fun) I get on a ton of snow gear (which barely fit by the way, seeing as how I have gained a TON of weight), I headed outside and we played in the snow for a while. It was a lot of fun being out there with my kiddies.

And after it was all said and done, Luella was so tired (she had been in her jammies all day long), she just konked out in the car to head home and ring in the new year!!!


Rebekah said...

Love your updates. Love the pictures! :)